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its short dont worry please help

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ok i have had my girl friend all this year we have had are fights but we alaways got threw it . one day she just started thinking we were growing a part and i found that really hard to believe. soon she broke up with me and still called me late at night. i am really confused then i went to her house she took me to the bathroom than we kissed . we got back togther. every thing was great one week later she does" the lets just be friends thing" i am lost i love her but i am confused nothing was wrong could her parrents put her up to it could her friends or just could she?????? reply if u can help thank in advance

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Wow that's a strange roller coaster ride. I can't speculate as to why she would do such things. However, I know how you can find out. Talk to her. I would just call her up and ask if she wanted to hang out as friends for a day and talk to her. If she doesn't...the phone works also. Just ask her what was up. Why was she acting so erratically? I wouldn't act desperate or anything, just confused.


Anyone else?


Good luck, spencer. Cheers!

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Sounds like she is just as confused as you. Maybe some external force is causing her to act this way. I'm not really sure. My advice is to sit her down and lay the cards on the table. Find out exactly is going on here. This doesn't make much sense, however guessing is worse then not knowing. Chances are you are making this situation worse then it is because all the "what ifs" are dancing through your head


Sit her down and talk about this, find out what her motivation is. Communication is key, never forget that. I hope this helps, and remember you are not alone.

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Wow, she has to be confused...Or maybe in her mind things make perfect sense.... You just have to find out.

If things are getting hard to handle because you don't know how to react around her like "Am I your friend or am I more??" then ask....thats what you might have to do is flat out tell her to make up her mind.

One minute she wants you then the next she just wants to be your friend...

Maybe she made a mistake by breaking up with you in the first place and keep rethinking and redeciding her decision... well Anyway I hope you get the answers you are looking for.

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You mentioned that her friends or parents might have put her up to this. What makes you say that? Do they act as if they don't like you? Has she mentioned that they have a problem with you? I agree with everyone else that you need to communicate your confusion to her. The communication problem seems to be mainly on her end, so you may have to make several attempts to get an explanation. She sounds like she doesn't know what she wants. No matter what the outcome of the situation, you may want to distance yourself for who knows if you get back together, she may leave you in another week. Tread carefully.

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Love is only hard when it doesn't go our way. In fact that's the same thing for anything in life. Of course the reality of the world is that not all things go as we have planed. "The best laid plans are usually laid to waste."


Don't sweat it so much. You have to learn to role with the punches. In the end will it really matter what happens here? Will you sit on your death bed 60 years from now and think. Damn I hated the fact that I was confused about what my GF 60 some years ago was doing.


It's all about perspective my friend. Just role with the punches.

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