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I just don't know what to do anymore. I'll try to sum up my situation as briefly as possible. I am turning 36 next week. I am a single man living by myself. My girlfriend broke up with me about a year ago because I didn't give into her ultimatums, chief of which was that I propose to her within a month. I won't go into why I didn't, let's just say she had serious issues. I am depressingly lonely. I have a handful of friends, some of whom are in the area and I see from time to time. For example I played frisbee yesterday with a couple of them. My mother died 5 years ago and my father remarried and moved out of state. I have two siblings and am not in touch with either (for good reasons). I am somewhat successful, have a graduate degree and a job with a reputable company (but my job will almost certainly be going away soon as my division was sold to another company). I have my resume together and have been sending it out.


So here I am on Labor Day, sitting by myself in my crappy apartment. The fact that I don't have a life is crushing. I am tired of comparing myself to less fortunate people, saying "well at least I am not this, at least I'm not that, at least I have this going for me" etc. I am so depressed and lonely. Miserable. What gets me is that I have tried to improve. I have been on Internet dating sites. No luck. My friends either don't have available single friends or aren't setting me up. I'm just not meeting women. I even had a nose job last year to improve my looks. I have been to psychologists to treat my depression but all they did was put me on Lexapro (quit that months ago) and they didn't help me at all. I stay active and try to do things I enjoy, like biking, sports, working out etc. I have tried to remain positive and upbeat, shrugging off the failures. What they don't tell you is, what do you do when you try and try to improve, you stay in the game, you don't quit...and still you keep coming up short? Most of my friends are married or have girlfriends so I feel that I am really alone. They say you need to have a life of your own and love yourself before you can love anyone else. Well, I have my life, I am proud of myself and like myself, I have a career and hobbies and am comfortable with myself. I am a tall decent looking guy who supposedly is fun and funny, in great shape. I just don't get it. I am tired of being alone, tired of trying and failing repeatedly.


If I lose my job soon, and that is looking likely, I don't know what I will do. I have no one, and if I lose my job I I will have nothing to do and no income. I feel about at the end of my wits. I never seriously pondered suicide but now I am wondering why I should continue living in this miserable life. Help?

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Life ain't easy. You have to keep putting in the hours & making the effort to get what you need from it. Honestly, you seem like a decent enough individual. You're in a good job, successful...surely you'll find another job!


You had a girlfriend just a year ago. This is hella better than a lot of people I know. Put yourself out there.


I've been in some real low points so I understand where you are coming from. But the only choice is to keep on livin' and to try. Try more often if nothin' is coming. You have to fail a lot before you can find success. That means going up and meeting new people - if they don't dig you, no problem...move on to the next until you find someone who does.

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