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Hi everyone. I wrote a poem about my relationship and I would like to share it with you. Also, feel free to add your own poems about your relationship(s). I posted this in the Healing section because writing aids healing.


"Thanks for the Pancakes"


This morning I made some whole-wheat pancakes.

It reminded me of when you made me pancakes

With chocolate chips

And a dash of love.


I remember you at the stove, in your little apartment.

We would split the silver dollar pancakes,

One for you, one for me.

Usually I would take more of the chocolate,

You more of the plain.


Sometimes we would go to Super Fresh

To get bagels and croissants.

I would sit on your counter,

The handle from the cabinet pressed firmly

Between my shoulder blades,

Waiting for a kiss.

You would happily oblige,

A look of childlike excitement in your eye.


You made me believe I really could trust the Moment.

This time, you promised, I could trust Love.

I just had needed to find you.


Everything was joyous.


Then there was the time you made cookies,

In your new, smaller apartment--

The vanilla kind with the chocolate kisses.

We had shopped all day to find the ingredients,

But when it came time to make them,

You made them all alone,

While I watched TV on the couch.

You knew I was mad at you,

I knew I was mad at you,

Yet nothing was spoken.

You were mad at me because I was mad at you,

And so I was mad at you because you were mad at me

Being mad at you.

I think it was a defining moment.


It was one year ago in September that we visited the Emerald Green.

I remember not wanting to go.

I felt we should not vacation together

If we had unresolved issues between us.

By then I started to think

Maybe you were using me for vacations,

And the meat of our relationship was spent there,

Instead of together.


We went, and on a Wednesday, we had our first fight.

It didn't last long and by Thursday night we were better,

But it left a damp, dark chill in my bones,

And nothing was resolved.


In October, I was thinking we should break up.

But then you started making plans for Costa Rica

In December,

And I figured, "What the hay, I might as well stick around for that"

And plus, I didn't want to hurt your feelings

By canceling your trip.

Hurt your feelings! Hah! As if the same thought ever occurred to you, for me.


Costa Rica was the best trip I have experienced.

We spent a lot of time on the road,

Bonding time, really.

Just you and me and the wilderness.

By then we had become such great friends

That it almost felt like I was alone

In a good way,

As if your presense was that of my own.


I remember the girl in the German Bakery.

That was the best cinnamon bun I've ever had

And she was so happy to help.


After we returned, we were blissful.

Two months later we broke up.

You acted as if you had been planning this,

As if you were happy to be rid of me,

And keeping me in your life was no longer of interest.

Did the Pancakes wear off, my friend?

Did I become less interesting, less worthy of love?

I must have, somehow, for I did not believe

Your claim that you are not relationship material—

After three years?

More importantly,

When did you become so evil?

I don't care what problems we had,

I have a hard time understanding how

A person can be happy to lose someone they loved.

And how they can turn their back,

Just like that,

Defying all former impressions.

I learned not only could I not trust other people

But I obviously can't trust

My own judgement.


Now we no longer talk, we are strangers.

You do not care and I've accepted

You are dead.

(I even had a funeral and a wake for you.)

Except for the stabbing sensation in my chest,

No memory of you gets through my constructed wall.

It is as if we never met.

Everything was for nothing,

And all good things must come to an end,

Or so I am told.

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This is a great poem. I can really relate. I used to make my ex waffles every week and there are the same type of memories and her all smiles sitting on the couch or at the computer. She left me despite all the trips we had taken and all the plans we had made. She just turned her back on us. Me and her are strangers we no longer talk and I feel that stabbing sensation also. It is still hard for me picturing the future without her. Good things only come to an end when one person cant see past the end of their own nose.Thanks for sharing.

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