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i dont know what possessed me to do what i did. im still asking myself that and i cant find any answers.


i went onto my ex's hotmail again. his msn name was this:


"aff to stirling. know who tried to stop me?? well she failed! thanks leanne, lambo and kev. im moving on"


i felt like i had been punched in the stomach. ive been going around my house trying to hide my tears from my mum. she will go mental. if he is really over me why has he still kept all my emails? why am i still on his favourite contacts list?


i was doing soo well. trust me to mess things up for myself. i am soo heartbroken.

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Awww hun, hugs to you. I know how it is to have the urge to check their email and msn. I want to, but I refuse to. Has your msn name got anything to do with him? Well, he went to the effort to mention you in his! But meh to that. Don't think about the small things. You will be okay, let it sink in, cry for a while, learn from it, get up and back to NC - which means no more checking his hotmail.

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my msn name is "indi's in da hizz-ouse" lol. so no it doesnt.


im not even allowed to cry about it. i cant. my mum will suspect something and i just managed to get peace back in my house. i barely touched my lunch after reading that and i found out this morning ive lost half a stone.


this sucks

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Don't worry, stay strong. We all get weak at times. At least you didn't do what I did.


After three months of being broken up we had started to see eachother, hang out, have sex together and what not. That's when he suggested a "part-time" relationship, yet we're still single. I agreed. Then after hanging out with him last night, I told him that I couldn't do it. That even though I didn't want a relationship with him, I still had feelings, and I couldn't stand the thought of sharing him with other women. So in essense, we were breaking up all over again. He even acted like I dumped him again!


So now, here I am feeling like we just broke up. Again. Grrrrrreeeat.


Sucks, really. I was just so tired of the endless cycle of, being ok without him. Then he starts texting me and then we hook up. Then I get all mopey and weird for a couple days, thinking about him and talking about him. Then I start to be ok without him... and repeat.


Good luck girl, and stay strong. I know I'll have to refrain from looking at my ex's stuff because he's already added two new girls to his myspace. Lord only knows what he's said to them in their messages.


It's tough, but we'll get through it.

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that really sucks, but i doubt your five months of progress have necessarily gone "down the drain." that was ridiculous, and if i was your mother i would go mental too!


still, you just have to laugh at the people who pull these immature little moves ONLINE, of all places! just be glad that you're not with this little boy anymore. if he were a real man he would not be playing these little online games to make another person feel terrible. and i don't know your story, but if he broke up with you, that's adding serious insult to injury, so i would seriously question not only his maturity, but his general character and morals. what a jerk.

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