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How do i help my mum?

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Hey Guys,


Its my daddys funeral tomorrow and i'm just not sure how to help my mum, she hasn't as yet cried for my dad even tho they were so incredibly close, she says she can't be sad because it doesn't feel like he's gone, which i know is a good thing, i just fear she may break down at/after the funeral, how do i help her?

The haven't spent more than 24hrs apart in 35 years they were deeply in love, how on earth do i tell her its going to be okay?

Advice would be great.

Thanks love you and God bless.

Sugar xxx

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Sometimes saying nothing is the best kind of comfort. There's no way to tell her that things will be ok. I mean, in the long run they will be, but it's so hard to feel it at times like this.


You and your mom need each other more than anything right now. And it's great that you want to be there for her.


If your mom breaks down, let her. She needs to let her emotions out. Just let her know that you will always be there for her and that you love her. I think she will appreciate that more than anything.

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I feel sorry for you. I haven't experience with something like that but I saw nobody's reacted yet and I want to wish you a lot of strength tomorrow and all the best, as well for your mother. Maybe let her feel you're there for her as much as you can. Maybe she's trying to stay stable, perhaps not to make it harder for you, I don't know. Maybe good if she find things to pay her attention to so she needn't think whole the time about it. Seems very possible for me that it needs a lot of time to heal (as far as possible). Maybe it will do her well to keep spending time with other relatives and good friends and/or people who knew him.

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My father passed away a little over 2 yrs ago. My mother was the same way. As a mother and wife she knew she had to keep it together for her children. I'm sure there's lots of family around right now and friends and things to do with the funeral arragements and that's keeping her so busy...The hardest part is about a month down the road when everythings been done, the family is gone home and the friends have given you some space. Thats when she'll cry. Just be there for each other.

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Sugar rush - I'm sorry for your loss.


I just suggest you just let your mum know that you are there for her. Just make it really clear that you are there for whatever she needs and that whilst she is being really strong and you are proud of her for that, you will also be there for her when she's not feeling so strong.


As a parent, she may feel she has to be strong for you and not show her real feelings for fear that her sadness will make you break down.


People often have no problems being there for others but have trouble leaning on people.


Let he know that you are there for her whether she's strong or not.

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Hi Honey,


Meow18 is right.


I think you just being there and supporting her will be just what she needs tomorrow. Bring some tissues in case she breaks down and needs them, and if she does, hold her tight.


I will be thinking of you and praying for you both.




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Im sorry for your loss. I work at a funeral home and see things like this a lot. It's best if you show her that your there for her. And theres a 99% chance she'll cry a lot during the service. And if she does cry, hug her or put your arm around or something comforting. Theres no real perfect way for dealing with it unfortunately. And again I'm terribly sorry for your loss and wish you the best of luck.

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