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Help me my ex talks nasty things about me!!!!!!!..It made me cried

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For one month me and my ex goes on NC but last night he send me a text message. So I replied him Via text and I asked him what he want from me so he said nothing.....So I told him you woke me and you texted me coz you can't talk to your gf coz she's asleep now. Then he said to me yes.....We texted for about 5 minutes and he said nasty things about me that hurt me so much like I'm ugly and he love his current gf now more than he love me before. He said he was just using me before as a listener everytime he talks about problem. Sometimes he asked me a cellphone load. When I read his text message last night it made me cried and I feel pety for myself. Please give me some advices regarding what i felt right now...Thanks for the help and God bless you all...

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Believe it or not your ex is just thinking of you and can't bear with current situation. Stay cool and be strong, 'cous he intentionaly did this. He is the one who's still missing you and (if your relationship was long enough) loves you badly.


And please don't cry. No one need to cry for some idiot and things he said.

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Thanks for the advices.....I already deleted his number and even his email addressbut his the 1st one who contacted me..It feels bad when someone you love before is saying bad words or nastry words against you..I cried that time I feel alone and pety for myself..His happy with his current gf now but why he still contacted me and would say that he love his gf so much more than he love me before. If his through with me why his still contacted me on the 1st place..I tried to forget him but everytime he send text message the pain would start all over again... I really wanted to start my life even without him..I know I still have sleepness nights and I even cried everytime I close my eyes.....Those painful words I read form his text message made me sad and feel depress...

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