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Ladies: What are your biggest turn-offs?

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Lots of other things people have said apply to me too:


--Bad Hygiene (teeth and breathe go in this bracket as well)

--Intolerance (of other races, religions, homosexuality, etc)

--Rigid in ideas or belief system. Not open to discussion on those topics. Gets angry if you try to have a *friendly* debate on it.

--Thinks he is superior to most other people. I don't mind a bit of cockiness at times, but this really pisses me off.

--Being cheap.

--People who try too hard all the time. Just calm down, be yourself, and stop trying to convince me you're someone you're not!

--Not following through with claims/plans/etc, especially if there is no call or explanation for the failure.

--Take themselves too seriously. Get angry when teased.

--Reliance on drugs or alcohol.

--Stupidity. Can't hold a semi-intelligent conversation about anything.

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a gob is another word for mouth, just like "trap"...havent you heard people say "shut your gob" , "shut your trap" , "shut your hole" , "shut your mouth"

They all mean the same thing, just have different impacts.


And of course they mean different things depending on the context in which they are said in.

"shut your gob" in an argument is alot more rude than saying "shut your gob" when someone playfully teases you.


I think you get it

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  • 1 month later...

most of mine have been said.


Comparing people and experience or godhelpthem-body parts


bitterness, 'longing for the good old days' bs


if he has dated teenagers and he is a grown man (if he was a teen dating a teen, past history, that doesn't count)


debt. and i don't mean just money. i mean taking more than he gives and turning that into a lifestyle.




lazy lover, bad lovers, selfish lovers


mama sucks, mama haters, infantile traits


stupidity considered as a virtue in and of itself


and the biggest turnoff.....Being spineless, a weiner, a wet noodle

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Rudeness to waiters/waiteresses

Checking out other women while he is with me

Attention getting activities

Drinking when he is going to be driving


Telling you how well-endowed he is

Glad to hear it.. I wish more of your sisters were like that. There are a lot of women out there that I know that see a good portion your list as turn ons.. It baffles the hell out of me.

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Comparing people and experience or godhelpthem-body parts


bitterness, 'longing for the good old days' bs


if he has dated teenagers and he is a grown man (if he was a teen dating a teen, past history, that doesn't count)


debt. and i don't mean just money. i mean taking more than he gives and turning that into a lifestyle.




lazy lover, bad lovers, selfish lovers


mama sucks, mama haters, infantile traits


stupidity considered as a virtue in and of itself


and the biggest turnoff.....Being spineless, a weiner, a wet noodle


Wow, awesome list!!!! Hysterically true, hysterically true *wipes tear from eye*

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