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Have I ruined my chance of getting back with her?

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I posted a little while ago when Liana first broke up with me. She basicaly broke up with me for her friend Melissa who takes her to parties, gets her drunk and she hooks up with guys. I guess that was more fun than being with me, although we were having a lot of fights, but I am guessing that is because she was cheating on me so she was always suspicious that I was cheating on her...


Anyways we still see eachother maybe 3 times a week sometimes more and every time I break down and either cry or keep asking her to get back with me and this makes her just want to go home and not see me for a few more days.


Today she told me she was so drunk and a party she woke up with jiz all over her face and only remembers some guy taking her into a bed room and thats it. She also said she made out with a guy and her friend Melissa at the same time. That really hurt me a LOT.


Anyways, have I ruined my chance at getting back with her by crying and asking her to get back with me? I know I shouldn't have called her or written her notes, so if I don't talk to her for a few weeks do you guys think she might get back with me then?

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1 more thing, when she comes to my house she still looks through my closet to make sure I am not hidding anything from her like dirty magazines or other girls phone numbers, and she still asks me if I have kissed other girls and seems like she still wants me to not see anyone else... why would she do that?


oh yeah I am 19 she is 18 both out of high school, she isnt going to school and is living with a roommate in an apartment because she got kicked out of her house for not coming home for 1 week strait because she was drunk the whole time.

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HmMm...I'm sure getting drunk with these guys is not more fun than you. She probably just isn't ready to commit. Sounds like she likes to get a reaction out of you by telling you her stories of partying and getting drunk. She wants to see if she can get a rise out of you , a lot of girls do that for self-esteem reasons. The reason why she would still care if you dated other girls is probably still for that self esteem reason. Knowing that you date other girls would make her realize that your over her and that you wouldn't care that she does this stuff to other guys. I think you should just try to get over her as hard as it may be. Maybe stop talking to her for a little while so she don't upset you with the stories. She might then realize what she's lost. If not then I think your better off. You deserve a girl who wants to spend time with you and wants to be in a commited relationship. I hope I helped

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yeah you did, another thing is that I know she is very dependant on me, still to this day! She asks for money, help doing something, directions, and sometimes someone to hang out with if she is bored. It's almost like she doesn't want to let go of me but she does at the same time.


She never used to go to parties because she was not involved with popular people at all. She came from Russia at age 12 to america and didn't have many friends here, so once she met melissa after about a year of us dating, she started to experience new things, behind my back too.


She sees me as holding her back from doing these new things, especialy getting drunk. But I can tell she doesn't want to lose me... I hope she realizes the love we had and how great it was after a few weeks of us not seeing eachother...

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Well I'm glad I helped. Maybe for right now she's just trying new things, and experiencing things she's never done, and after the fun/thrill/whatever has worn off from doing it she'll miss the relationship you guys' had. It might be awhile or sad to say it might not happen at all, but don't sit at home waiting for the day, get out and meet new girls too, moping around doesn't do you any good. I've been dumped before after a year and half relationship so I know it's hard but in the end it makes you feel better. Boosts your ego a little bit, hehe. Well I hope everything goes fine for you, I wish the best

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its just sad to see her doing this kind of stuff. we were both virgins until we met eachother, and now she sleeps around like sex doesnt mean anything, that REALLY hurts


i thought we had something so special

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