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my story with all its twists and turns seems to be going around in circles.


a brief recap : i was madly in love with my ex and would worship the ground she walked upon.the she sarted lying to me and cheating on me.I gave subtle hints initially but later on when things became out of hand i decided to call it quits.


I was devastated by the outcome, a wreck to say the least.Luckily i was away for 3 months which made me realise a lot of things and apparently gave me time to heal.Even the thought of those three months makes me shudder.sleepless nights,crying bouts,depression,suicidal tendencies.. i was right on the edge.Thankfully i had the support of some of my good friends at this forum.


So 3 months over and done, my ex had started going around with another friend of mine and when college started again i was faced with the dilemma of whether to talk with her or not.Thanks to NC, I stuck to my guns and did not talk to her, even though I saw her everyday in class.its been close to 2 months of college and my ex initiated a conversation over the messenger to which i told her, i need time to think whether i wud be able to talk to her or not.


SOme days are just superb with me all positive and pursuing my challanges , while some days i m back to contemplating whether she misses me or not, i know she is a gold-digger of sorts but i hope sometimes that she will realise how much i love her.i kno i m chasing rainbows but this is the person i thought was just bout perfect for me and i still have a soft corner for her...


i ask u all, where am i now, are these phases of love and hate normal.I am sooo tempted to call her, but thanks to my newly acquired introvert behavior i resist.Am i changing as a person,is it for the better... i don't know

you can call me an emotional fool but i want to stop being one...please help me out

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First of all id just like to say that i understand how you feel .. having been in this situation myself lol


What your feeling is completely normal and anyone who would call you an emotional fool doesnt understand.


My advice would be to call this girl and explain how your feeling. Things might work in your favour, you never know. To be honest when i read your post i thought she was a manipulative cow ( no offence intended ) .. to just go with your friend like that. I think if you explain to her how you feel and be honest, everything will be fine


If it turns out that she doesnt feel the same way, Move on with life. Thier are plenty more fish in the sea

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Hello Notanymore,

I've read some of your other posts, and I want to say I admire your strength and willpower! You have come so far! I don't know if I would be as strong having to see my ex everyday in class, and trying to get on with my life.


Three months is a long time yes, but the course of healing doesn't have a deadline. I've been broken up with my ex for almost 5 months, and have maintained NC for roughly the last 2 months. I know my life is better now, I can feel it, and I'm sure you can too. But there are surely times I wonder if I passed up "the one" for me. Those thoughts decrease with time though, and the more time that goes by, I become more confident that I'm going down the right path.


Think about why things didn't work, you said she lied to you. Sometimes we have to remember the bad, to remind ourselves why infact the situation was unhealthy for us.


she sarted lying to me and cheating on me.I gave subtle hints initially but later on when things became out of hand i decided to call it quits...i know she is a gold-digger of sorts


I think you should continue NC, especially if you feel your emotions are unstable. This hardship will be well worth it when you come out feeling better in the long run.

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