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I spoke to my boyfriend today over the phone. I cut our conversation short because he said some racial things while I was talking to my mum. It really hurt me. He has no right to say things like that! I was shocked when it came out of his mouth, he then apologised and said he was only joking, but you normally wouldnt joke like that would you? I mean I dont joke about his race (Yes we come from different nationalities).


He knows what he did is wrong and he did say sorry a few million times, but Im still not happy. Am I being selfish? Should I forgive him??

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Sometimes people tell offensive jokes without thinking. I abhor racism but sometimes people let old habits over-ride their good sense.


If you think he really is a racist then I would advise dumping him. If you think it was a one-off dumb thing to say then let it go.

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Has he ever said anything like this before?


If he hasn't then I tend to go with DN and he probably just didn't really think about what he said, before he actually said it. Otherwise if it happens on a regular occasion I believe you should make him aware of how it makes you feel and that you will not tolerate it any longer.

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Well, that's up to you to decide. If you know him well enough to know that he didn't mean it, then I see no reason to keep staying mad at him over the minor mistake he already apologized for.


If on the other hand you think he really ment it, I'd dump him because he's then a racist (might depend on what he said exactly though). But considering you two are in a relationship and are of different nationalities, him being a racist seem close to unlogical.


But as I said - your choice.




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