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friends and nothing more..?

davey boy

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So here's a question I was wondering. Can ex girlfriends/boyfriends remain friends? Say you agreed on a 'break' where u promise to remain good friends and nothing more. Can that work? Even if one of u decides upon getting a new partner? I personally would have thought it would be too difficult and awkward, especially if love is in the equation.

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Personally, I'd have to say no, it doesn't work. However this is due to personal experiences of my friend's relationships.


If there is love in the equation it can be painful to see the other person move on with their life. Expecially into a new relationship.


I think the best way is to give each other space and go NC for a while. It doesn't mean you can't ever be friends again but wait until each other have readjusted to their new lives and have their independent strength back.


It is different for different people though.

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It is quite possible. Me and my friend were in the situation where i couldn't be with her and we actaully became best of friends now. we moved on and she knows i'll never develop those feelings for her. However, I agree with "I think the best way is to give each other space and go NC for a while. It doesn't mean you can't ever be friends again but wait until each other have readjusted to their new lives and have their independent strength back." That space and time is required if you want to keep a friendship going. As the old saying goes "time heals all wounds." After a while when you both move on and lose intimate feelings for one another. You can decide to talk to each other again. Hope i Made sense lol. its actually late so im like yeah.. lol

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My ex and I are still friends. We were "deeply in love" (as much as an 18- and 19-year-old in a LDR can be) but when we broke up, it was for the right reasons. It was difficult at first, but we are still friends, years later. We go without talking to each other for 6 months or so, then we spend some time on the phone or IM and catch up. We've talked a lot more lately, since I just had a baby in June and his was born in July - we compare.


So yes, it's possible.

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