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im feeling so messed up rite now.....

i recently got into a fight with this big guy,he was one of my friends friend and i think he didnt like me

i was with one of my mates chillin out when i seen the guy with 8 lads with him he come up 2 and swinged 4 me, when i wasnt lookin , he then bit my ear and kicked me several times adn ran offobviously i was bleedin alot but my friend walked me home im ok now and its all been sorted out with the guy but i still feel sad and dont wanna go outside because wherever i go people keep sayin to me you had i fight i heard and i start breakin down

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Well, I am so sorry to hear about that. What a bully, that kid ought to be sent to jail for attacking you unprovoked like that.


Are you ok? You said you were bleeding, do you need to go to the hospital?


EDIT: I am going to assume you're physically ok, since I re-read your post, and the fight didn't just happen today. But are you sure you're ok? If this guy injured you in any way, you could press charges against him for that.

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yea im fine now, ive sorted it out with him and i can defend myself its just he hit me when i wasnt ready know what i mean, and it takes the piss coz i got beaten up like dat never happens to me so when i go out or back to school everyone will be like talkin bout , thats what im worried bout

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Just hold your head up! If anyone mentions the fight, just say, "Yeah, I was in a fight - if you call getting sucker punched a fight!"


Believe me, that other guy is going to look bad. I don't recommend having anything else to do with someone who would attack someone in such a cowardly way.

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Just hold your head up! If anyone says mentions the fight, just say, "Yeah, I was in a fight - if you call getting sucker punched a fight!"


Believe me, that other guy is going to look bad. I don't recommend having anything else to do with someone who would attack someone in such a cowardly way.


thanks for that, yea he is a coward after all, one thing i dont understand is y would any1 bite sum1 do u know wat i mean, i bet he thought he was like tyson or sumfin

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im sorry to hear u got bust up, how did u get over it?

Thank you for your concern. My interests were in tech quite early and my friends (mentors) were much older. I never expected to be understood as I realized that I was not like most other guys.


I avoided fights but avoidance would not always work. Thus I learned to defend myself.

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thanks for that, yea he is a coward after all, one thing i dont understand is y would any1 bite sum1 do u know wat i mean, i bet he thought he was like tyson or sumfin


It's awful, hon, but the fact is there are some violent sociopaths in the world. It's terrible you got attacked by one, but thank God you're ok.


Clearly this guy is headed for a troubled life, but that's not your concern.

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