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Not exactly a success story but it i'll do! lol

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well I was dumped about 7 weeks ago and it was hard but I was getting through it. Then for about the past 2 weeks we've been hanging out and she called a lot and wanted to see me. It was great. Well anyway I decided that I needed to let her know that I still had feelings for her and that I could'nt be ok with being just friends. I brought it up to her on wed night and she said she needed to think about it. I did'nt want to back in to a full blown relationship, I just wanted to get back and try things again at a much slower pace. I needed to know that there was something possible there. Well anyway she was hesistant and the words that made her think about it and decided to let me be close to her was the questions "are you still attracted to me?". She said she was. So I asked if I liked her and if she liked me what's the problem. I did'nt exactly win but I did'nt settle either. I told her if there was'nt potential for being more than friends that I could'nt be around her with those feelings. For now I am ok we'll see what happeneds.


I am in no means taking this as being back together but we're not exactly split up either. But I do feel like we're trying things again and taking it slow.


Any opinions?

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My opinion is you don't know enough yet to say that you two are working on getting back together. First you have to hear from her that she is willing to do this work. Sounds like right now she hasn't made a decision. I do hope she decides she wants to...but I don't think you should get your hopes up yet.


Or rather, hope for the best, but expect the worst. Sorry to be so pragmatic about this.

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I'm confused. I read in your last post that she was going to let you know last night (over ice cream) whether she was willing to work things out or not. I don't get the impression that she answered your question.


It doesn't sound like you're trying things again, unless you mean trying to see if she can string you along some more. If she said she was going to let you *know*, then you shouldn't be wondering whether or not you are trying to get back together again right now, should you?

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I'm confused. I read in your last post that she was going to let you know last night (over ice cream) whether she was willing to work things out or not. I don't get the impression that she answered your question.


Oh. I didn't even know that. Didn't read your last post. Yeah, don't let being strung along drag out too much further, friend. You deserve better than that and you can GET better than that!

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Well the conversation left you no better off than you were. All the questions that were there before are still present. In fact it sounds like you're misinterpreting what she said and it has given you false hope. What she said isn't good. She basically said "no, i don't want to get back together with you".


Taking things slow is good, once you get back together. Before you get back together, it's a terrible idea.


It's good that you had the talk, but you need to make a firm demand for an answer, is she with you yes or no. And anything other than a yes is a no. It can't be about potential for a future. If you plan on a possibility you're gonna set yourself up to get emotionally slapped.


Have another talk with her. Tell her either your with me or not and I need a yes or a no right now. Ask her "do you want to get back together with me right now?" If she gives you anything other than a yes, you need to go NC.

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