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Not Sure About This Job...


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Allright, sorry if this is too lengthy, please give me your opinion... so I went for a Job interview about a week ago with Vector Marketing. It's not telemarketing or Door-to-door. It's selling the product (cutco cutlery) to 1 or 2 people in an office type setting. Hours are very flexible and apparently they have scholorship programs. There is pay per appointment, even if I don't sell anything. There's a hundred dollar deposit, which is apparently refundable.


Here's the problem, this whole thing has made me suspicious from the start, me and my friend were trying to organize a huge water war (balloons and super soakers, if you live in London Ontario you should come!) But they planned it for tomorrow when the training seminar is. I don't know if I could sell people things this way, really shy and not charismatic at all. They were asking everyone to come to the training. Do you think I should go to the training or ditch? I've been searching for a job since April with no luck, but my friend who's going away for a whole year was organizing it.... and I really wanna go #-o

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There are two ways of looking at this, you're not always going to be able to find a job you absolutely love and two, there are always going to come times when the opportunity to have fun and hang out with friends seems more fun then working but once you are in the corporate world it isn't always so easy. It's going to be alot easier to arrange fun days with your friends then it is to find a job. Just my opinion though, if I were you and had been looking for a job with no luck I wouldn't ditch for a fun day.

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