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I feel like such an idiot


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I have spent the last 2 weeks with one guy in paticular, the most time I have spent with a man since my ex dumped me 4 months ago. We hooked up at a party, had a great time together and he ended up renting us a suite w/hot tub etc for those 2 nights in a row. didn't see him till I ran into him the next weekend, but the same thing we hung out at my place for 2 nights, spent the whole time together. Felt comfortable enough to leave him sleeping while I went off to work. Thought we had an instant connection. He called & we spent the next Thursday/Friday together and then hooked up early Saturday morn - I was still at it from the evening before. He had to leave for a bit later that night & I went to take a shower, which I promptly fell asleep in so needless to say I missed his call to let him back in (coded lock on the main door). When I got up I called, he came by, he grabbed something he left & said he woul dbe back soon. I even gave him the code. Well I guess he's upset as he never returned. I left 2 VM's & NADA from him. This is very confusung becasue I felt he shared a lot with me in our time together and really clicked. I am just dumbfounded and feel like such a fool as I was getting to like him. What do I do if he does call or if I bump into him - & when will I ever learn for that matter, haven't felt this hurt in a long time.

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I think there was a bit of miscommunication here, and since you are still kind of fresh out of a break up, you are more vulnerable to rejection. Maybe he misinterpreted you not opening the door, that must have been weird for him too? I'd just wait if he calls back. If I am not mistaken, this happened this past weekend?



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Yes it happened Saturday evening, I did explain to him why I missed his call to let him in as I was asleep, & he did come back for a bit thereafter. However he had to leave for what he said woul dbe 15/20 minutes & to call himif he wasn't back by then. I left a message that evening and yesterday and no answer and no call form him. Feel so jaded. Want to call again but that would be crazy!?????

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That's what I was in for at 1st, but then he was the most I've"hung out" with in that manner since my ex. I guess it's played w/my head,I would be OK w/that, I just can't stand when you feel like - or well when I started to like him - & he appeared on the same page, that he would just take off like that, not come back or call.


I am the only one to blame, I allowed this to happen & jumped right in, no boundries, & let him come & go as he please.


It hurts, but I am the to blame, or trusted.


BTW - when he was leaving the last time, I knew he wasn't coming back. & to think I actually was concerned that he was hurt. It turns out my friend ran into him yesterday down at a patio 1 block away from where I live w/his buddy. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? & what do I do when he does call or I see him again?

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God, if only it were that easy, still can't stop thinking about him and feeling horrible about being "duped"............


must not call must not call must not call.......


why is it always the bad ones we want?? I should lose his number or never respond to him again..


Oh yeah, my girlfriend ran into him at our local right by my place that Sunday, nice guy.

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you're so right Acro, this is a problem I have, I get so caught up in the experiance I just end up shooting myuself in the foot all the time.....


Next time take it way slower, just I'm in my prime rigth now (36) so is hard to operate from the head as opposed to the libido

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