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i need advice, alright my boyfriend and i have been together on and off for about a year and a half now..we got back together a while ago and he came over one day on my lunch break from work..i told him before he got over that i was going to wait for sex until marriage but when he came over he told me when never go slow so why should we wait...i did what he wanted me to only to make him happy and ive been crying myself to sleep every night ever since..also ever since that day he hasn't called me i have to call him and when he says he will call me he never does..what should i do? should i tell him how i feel? should i stay with him? i love him so much and im so upset

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That's a distressing story, it really is. In hindsight you should have stuck to your guns instead of compromising your values and beleifs. Equally, he should have respected your feelings on the issue, instead of forcing you into it.


And don't delude yourself, he forced you into it, emotionally.


It sounds like it's really upset you, I think you should see a school counciller or something, just someone to talk it through with. Once you've sorted out just exactly how you feel about it, you make your decisions about this guy in the future. Personally someone who doesn't respect your feelings or opinion really doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be with, but that's just my opinion.


I hope this helped, and even though I'm a guy, I really feel for you being in this situation =)

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Wow, I'm sorry for how you must feel right now. I know from experience this is hard for you. But for your sake you need to pick yourself back up, learn from this & move on.

first this man...You are in love with this guy so much. But now I think you may have seen sides to him that are SERIOUS warning signs... look at what he has done.

- He emotionally forced you to do something you already told him you weren 't ready for.

-He encouraged you to compramise yourself to satisify him.

-And hasn't so much as called you since.

Is this really the man you love?

Personally I agree with Sumguy. This is a man who doesn't respect you or your feelings or opinion & doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be with.Don't settle.

Please see that this isn't the love God wanted for you. There is so much more out there for you.

You could tell him how you feel, but I don't think it will accomplish much. Since your feelings didn't matter to him before they won't now. Take the lessons from this experience & move on. You deserve the best.

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I am sorry......you should def. tell him how you feel tho. If he has anything bad to say about how you feel, then he's not the one you need to be with. Boys can be such jerks some times !!!! But really let him know how you feel, cuz you gave it up for HIM to make HIM happy. You got to think about yourself sometimes, what do YOU want. He knew you wanted to wait but he did it anyway....that was selfish on his part....to me. He's got to know in order for it to be a relationship he's got to put some effort in it as well.


I hope you feel better!!

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