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ok so for about a week i've been having a bit of a problem. it started after me and my b/f were interrupted in the middle of intercouse by his friend, i've been going to the bathroom and after i finish i still feel like i have to go. it doesn't hurt, but it is an uncomfertable feeling of sorts, and sometimes bothers me while i am going too, and will bother me for a bit after. i've looked online to see what may be wrong and to say the least some of the conclusions terrified me. i was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if there was anything i could do before going to the doctor to figure this out cuz i'm tight on cash and my insurance isn't great to me at all.

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Sounds like a UTI to me.


Any of this sound familiar:

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I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV! YMMV and all that. That said: if you try the cranberry juice route, try to find natural unsweetened stuff (yes, expensive) b/c the sugar in standard cranberry drinks can worsen the bacteria.

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Oh, that sounds like UTI, definitely. Go to a doctor. Pee after sex to avoid it the next time, but I'd recommend you take the prescription your doctor will give to you. If you don't treat a UTI, your whole pelvic area can get infected, as can your kidneys.

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