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Any dream interpreters?

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Hey, I was just curious about a recurring dream I am experiencing almost twice a week now.


I keep dreaming of a tree, in the middle of a green field. On that tree are translucent bottles of many colors. The clouds seem to take shape these bottles as well. It's always a sunny, partly cloudy day. And I am always in the same spot staring at this tree, and finally when I muster the courage to walk towards it, it fades away, and I am lost throughout a giant wasteland.


Anyone have suggestions about what this may mean?

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The tree represents you and all your many talents and potentials in your lifes future. When it disappears may represent your fears or lack of confidence in yourself to believe in yourself to attain your dreams.


That tree is symbolic of a future of beauty to be unleashed, special treasures for you that will unfold as you grow throughout life and discover more of yourself.


The wasteland may be a warning not to let yourself be held back by any distraction or any negative thought that you cannot reach your hearts desires or achieve all that you can be .


Is there some special desire that you hold for your future, a special talent, passion or purpose. Don't be held back. Go for it.

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I believe what MI_Shell said was quite good.


And I think it might mean a fear of finally making a decision for something, of working towards that final result you want to see but have been too "all over the place" to achieve it, listen to others but don't allow them to get change your mind.

Get focus, use the knowledge you already have and get what you wish for.


Bottles?, other's opinions distracting you, fighting to take away your inspiration or determination to do something.

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The bottles are symbolic of the fruit of this tree. They contain many special things that represent your gifts. This could be anything from talents or qualities of your character.


At the moment they are pretty colours safe and in the bottles.

What is contained within these bottles may spring forth and bring life.


Have no fear step forth and possess the gifts you have been given.

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