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HELP! I dont want to lose her!

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It's not my fault that she's insecure. She said that she would feel better if I made an effort to speak with my friends, and now you're saying that she doesn't actually feel that way. I can't help her if she won't tell me how she really feels.

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Yes, it is your fault if she feels insecure about you being honest and/or faithful, and that's what she seems to feel.


And I think she wants you to say something to your friends and suggested something. You should try it.

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Thank you guys. I can see what you're all saying, but I don't think talking to my friends is gonna help.


Why not? If they are truly your friends then I'm sure they don't want your gf thinking you're cheating on her when you're not. I agree with Beec fully, you have done things that would understandably make your gf insecure in the relationship. When you lied to her on those two occasions, she might have thought about it and gotten over it but then when she hears from people who don't really have any reason to lie to her that you're cheating, I'm sure you can see why she would have connected the two things and thought it could be true. Your post topic says you don't want to lose her so you must really care about this girl. But you also need to be willing to take actions to show her that. Talk to your friends, ask them what they said and why they said it. If I were in your position, I would do everything I could as quickly as possible to figure that out and get to the bottom of this whole thing and then get that information back to my partner and try to make them feel secure and trust that what I'm telling them is the truth. Good luck with everything. I hope it works out well for you.

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Thank you guys. I can see what you're all saying, but I don't think talking to my friends is gonna help.



Don't you want to know why your supposed friends are starting viscious rumors that are potentially destroying your relationship?


Aren't you the least bit curious why they would do such a thing?

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