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Things Are Moving So Fast

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Ok, we have been seing each other only a very short time now.....but everything is so perfect...the chemistry is amazing - the looks we give each other...the jokes....the conversations. We just have so much fun together...we just click!!!!!


He is ready to be in a relationship, the last serious relationship for him was roughly 16 months ago - he's been dating, but no one he wanted to take to the next level!


He scheduled a trip with his buddies before he met me, so he was scheduled to be away for 4 days - he came back a day earlier because he wanted to see me and be with me. When we saw eachother last night, it was INCREDIBLE, with a capital I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E! my ex did the same thing too (had a trip planned and came back earlier to be with me)


Last week he suggested that we do not see other ppl and be exclusive, but still he didnt put a title on it (BF or GF), nonetheless, i was flattered and said okay! I like him a whole lot and i think this could be the ONE.


he knows I am somewhat old fashion and I feel like a man should ask a woman to be his lady and so forth - i mentioned that to him when he mentioned the not dating anyone else thing...but when i said that he never acknowledge, so i just left it alone - being that he was leaving the next day to go on his trip!


Now, last night he said to me that he wants us to be a couple (during the heat of our session ). so shortly after, I ask if he meant it and he said yes....still I was a bit leary - we just had a few glasses of wine! So this morning i asked him the same thing and he said YES YES YES and for him, he prefer to say those things while being intimate with someone because he is giving that person his all and his feelings are even more pure at this time...but to make me feel better and now the day after he is going to ask me again to be his lady!


So now, I have a boyfriend again!


Do yu think we are moving too fast?




If the chemistry is there and everything is perfect (we had a few disputes, but we got over them so fast - his way of 'arguing' is so much different from my ex - very refreshing! ) we have butterflies on top of butterflies, should we not look at the time we have been together and just know this is what we want?

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Here is what I would do - when you have been dating steadily for 3-4 months and/or after some of the butterflies fade, then see where you stand. Yes, completely enjoy this time together and I would stop repeating those "am I your lady" questions - if he says so then trust him, if you don't trust him that's an issue and he is not responsible for your insecurities.


If it were me - but this is just personal - I would wait at least a few months before being intimate so that I wasn't clouded by the lust part/s_x part while I was trying to get to know him. You don't know each other well at all - all you know is the butterflies, the chemistry, the good s_x but I bet you haven't seen him - sick, having a terrible day or days at work, how he is with his parents, relatives, friends, how he is with service people like waiters - for any consistent period of time. but again enjoy this time of infatuation and fun and wait until the dust settles before getting engaged or getting pregnant!

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