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ok, heres the whole story. *sorry if its long!*

at the end of the last school year my friend asked me to date him. of course i said yes, since ive liked him for a long time!

well after about almost 3 weeks i broke it off. the very 1st day we went out, he asked to "see my ".

and kept begging me to. after a few weeks i realized he wasnt worth it, as ive been through a horrible experience before, and it got started ina similiar way.

well after that i started going out with my friend online. he's really great, treats me well, and he's moving out here to be with me when this school semester ends for him at his college.

i like him so much.

well, just recently my ex emailed me saying he did all that because he was going away for a month to florida, things came over him and he acted "stupidly" because he wasnt going to see me for a long time during the summer.

i said id think about it, and i feel horrible. i love my bf i have now, i feel bad for saying that id think about it becaus eof him. also, because i dont want to leave my ex hanging for an answer.

im so confused and its killing me!


what would you do inmy situation?


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I would tell the ex im sorry but im with someone esle at the moment and im not planing to end it with him, you had your chance and you blew it

I agree. You are already with someone. He didn't quickly ask to "see your either. That's not what someone does when they really like a person. But then again, ya'll are pretty young...

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