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can males hav orgasms

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of course we do but it's not the same..It's sort of different, Ever watch PORN? lol I'm just Playing with ya'.....


Try Masturbation is OK when guys or girls do it.. it allows "us" to know what makes us feel good, Explore our bodies. and when it comes time You yourself might have one. if you haven't already? but if you have than YES I'm afraid that feeling you get when you (climax) is a short one..sort of sucks


i Prefer Counter-Strike instead of MOHAA


Awp/Scout that is all i need.

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well i kinda know that... and belve me i watch porn m8... beleve me i do but if ejaculations the only orgasm we can get its hardly worth it is it? i mean a female orgasm can last over 10 minits cant it? imagen how that feels damnit!



also visit the website any way.. i never played cs b 4..

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us females have the better half at sex when it comes to orgasms but both male and female bodies give and take in that department. It's uncomfortable for most girls their first time and we often get sore even after having sex for the first time. A guy however rarely has these problems...they sometimes can have discomfort though. Also, girls have to deal with menstruation and the pain of labor if they become pregnant. So as much as you think that guys have the bad end of the bargain...it gives and takes.

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Female orgasms do not last 10 minutes. However, females are capable of having more than one, one after the other, whereas a male is biologically incapable of that, and once ejaculated, goes through what's called a "refractory" (resting) period, before he can achieve another erection. In essense, you have to start from scratch again. There's a trade-off, though. The amount of time it takes for a man to achieve sexual arousal is MUCH shorter than the time it takes a woman, and in turn, the male orgasm occurs sooner and usually consistently, usually much sooner, than the female, who may not even achieve orgasm much of the time, given that chances are her partner will finish before does. So, the biology's a little different there.



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I always thought that men had it better then women.


I thought that men had a orgasm when they cum... right, so that's pritty much every time they have sex. On the other hand orgasm is harder for some women, many don't have a orgasm in tell there later twentys and if and when they do have one it's sometimes few and fare between. Thats why some girls fake it to make the guy feel better.

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Thats why some girls fake it to make the guy feel better.


You know, I've always kinda wondered about that. Maybe it's because they feel like they're not normal if they don't, or that they'll make their partner feel inadequate, but if you think about it, you're essentially lying to him when you do that. If you're going to sleep with someone, hopefully you should be able to be honest with them. Secondly, you're not honest to yourself, because if you trick him into thinking whatever he's doing does it for you, that'll reinforce the behavior, and you'll just get more of that behavior as a result, instead of working together to adapt the mix into something that benefits everyone. That way everyone's needs are met and everyone goes to sleep happy and exhausted.


What do you think?

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Well I've heard of a couple of ways to curb the ejeculatory response, but I didn't know any ways to encourage multiples. Probably has a little to do with the fact that, as a girl, it doesn't apply to me, so no one tells me these things. ;-) Interesting...

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