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How to cross the line with tact?

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So, what do you think is the best (and least intimidating to either person) way to pitch the idea that you're liking them romantically, without being or recieving awkwardness or discomfort after?



"Hey, remember me? We were kids together, will you marry me!?" ~ Robin Hood

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Well this all depends really..If your a girl or a guy:


Being affectionate towards a friend I assume is what your asking?


Do what i did, (coming from a guy showing a Girl i Really liked her) More than Friends.


A single Red Rose, Not just an ordinary one, Dress it up a little spend 10.00 to have all the extra little flowers added in. along with the extra leaf to accent the Rose and it natural beauty.


Than a card is also a good idea. With something simple. Example


"Deepest Appreciation" or Just a "Thank You" on the front of the card, with your signature inside.


Follow these objects up with a Personal visit, Or time alone with the person your giving it too. Hold hands is a Good idea. Eye contact, Keep a Smile, Plan your words carefully to have them sound as straight forward as possible, Throw in some deep thoughts about what you think of his/her as a person, Just showing Charm...With a little romantic Ring Implemented between your lines.


If the Mood seems Right, and you would like too a "kiss on the cheek" wouldn't be a bad thought. at least not for me. Just some idea's Hope It helped ya'

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I'm a girl, so I think (traditionally) the rose thing wouldn't work. *sniff* The only time anyone's ever bothered to get ME flowers was my dad when he forgot my birthday. I've thought about ways to actually say it, but the matter at hand is getting conversation to swing around in that direction so that it can be said at the right time, without just blurting out out of the blue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweetie, I think your best approach would be a direct one. It sounds like he may need a kick in the butt to get going, so I say approach this with TACT, but assertiveness...


Tell him that you are starting to see things in him that you didn't see before... Ask him to a movie or coffee or something similar JUST THE TWO OF YOU.... And if all else fails, hit him over the head with a frying pan (okay don't do that, but it may take some seriously up front conversation to get him to understand)


Most of all, be prepared for any anwer or thoughts he may have. This may not turn out the way you want it to, so be ready for disappointment. I doubt that will be an issue though.. Only a fool would turn down someone so thoughtful


Good Luck

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Hon, I have thought long and hard about this. I had to do it to a friend of mine too. The best way, is to take control. Don't let him think about it. What you need to do is ask him "How do you think I percieve you?" If he doesn't answer say "Friends?" You'll get at least a nod and then you tell them..well..to be honest..you're much more to me than that. Tell them how you feel and let the cards fall where they may. Hopefull he's not dating someone else like mine was at the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

No, he's not seeing anyone right now. Not to the best of my knowledge anyway.... But he doesn't ever tell me if he likes anyone. He gets flustered when I ask and says I've got to be kidding. ;-) Thats why I thought he liked me in the first place... and then he goes and shows up four hours late when we were supposed to go out for dinner. But I think you're right: I have to address this bluntly so there's no room for him to squirm out of the conversation, right?


I'm still waiting....



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