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Am I Being Pathetic?

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Hey people. Haven't posted on here for a while but new problems have arisen and I would be grateful for some advice on what to do.


Ok, this guy I know, he's a really good mate but recently he told me he loved me. Bit of a shock. I knew he used to but I thought he got over that 'cos it was last September/October.


Anyway, he asked my if I love him. I love him as a friend, I told him this, but I wasn't sure if I loved him as more. Being honest here, I was put off by his weight. He's quite fat (I know I sound harsh but even he says it but apparently he's trying to lose the weight but it's taking a longggg time).


Am I being pathetic by being put off by this? I don't want to sound mean 'cos I do like him but it's the weight that's putting me off.


Has anyone ever been in this situation before? Am I being stupid?

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