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Promised call that never came...what now?

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Yo, I had coffee with this girl on Monday last week. On Thursday, I called her up before her work around noon and asked if she would like to go play pool (billiards and such). She asked "when"? and I said around Sunday.


She said she would give me a call after looking at her work schedule.


It's now Monday and I never heard jack. I'm thinking of calling her up around noon again tomorrow (tuesday) and saying:

"Hey did something happen last weekend? I was expecting a phone call from you about your work schedule and possibly getting together."


*y'know, nothing accusational or whiny/moany.*


Whaddaya think?

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Hey there,


Perhaps next time have a definate time picked out. I have always liked it when a man had a plan and knew exactly when and where he wanted to take me. I never took a guy seriously if he was wishy washy about when he wanted to take me out. If she wanted to go play pool, she would have tried to rearrange her schedule, BUT there is a good chance that she could not have gotten out of her shift. But from what you wrote, you left too many details up to her, many women do not like that.


I would NOT say those things to her that you plan to, if that were me, I would be extremely turned off and mad. Call her today and make DEFINATE plans. If she wants to go, two things will happen...


1. She will rearrange her work schedule and find coverage or switch with someone




2. She will come up with a counter offer, meaning if she is busy the day you want to take her, she will suggest another day. When and if she does, make definate plans for that day. Do not ask her to have her call you. Be a gentleman, ask her out on a PROPER date.


Good luck.

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Perhaps it's just me, but if someone said they were going to get back to me before a proposed date and didn't...I would take that as a definite hint they're not interested.


I would also take that as an indication they are somewhat inconsiderate, and thus, would not want to waste any further time pursuing someone who showed disinterest and rudeness right off the bat.


But my first feelings of discomfort would arise when they gave me a lame excuse such as, "Let me check my work schedule" when we're talking about a Sunday date. Even if she sometimes works on Sundays, seems she would know by Thursday if she was working the following Sunday or not.

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If she has your number and was interested in you, she would have called you back. If she didn't, she's not interested. Short of some extreme circumstance like a family members death, she wouldhave had the courtesy to at least call you and let you know that she wouldn't be able to make it or to call with some explaination and a reschedule.


Move on. She's just one fish in the pond and you shouldn't put too much on this one girl. If she ends up calling sometime soon, great, if not, who cares. Write her off.

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so...I've got 2 "try agains" and 2 "drop hers".


How fortunate....actually it isn't, but I think I'll try again.

She does have work, I DON'T, so right off the bat her time is more scarce.



I'll let it fly this once, but if she is flaky ever again or when I call her...well

it's her loss.


Cos, I'm lit, fit , and I ain't takin' * * * *. (or something like that) lol

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moogleman, question...


If you promised a girl you were interested in that you would check your schedule to see if you could meet up with her at a place she wanted to go with you, would you let that day come and go without calling? Would you let 2 phone calls as well as a message asking to call her back go without at least calling her to let her know what's going on? I don't think so. There you have it.

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So should I call her to put the heat on?


Why? You can't make someone be interested when they are not. If she was interested she would have called back unless some extreme circumstance happened. Regardless, she has your number, you called her last, the ball is in her court. If she isn't calling then she's not worth your time to try to convince her to like you.

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I was thinking just to mess with her head a bit?

Mayhaps to inform her that if you don't wanna do something say: "I don't wanna do _____________" so that the next time she "white-lies" stuff, people don't wait for nothing.



In any case, I gave her a call (I only have her house number, mind you) and all I got was a message machine (which I left no message to).


So, I'm just going to cut my losses short and as you say, the balls in her court and if it's over after one inning...well whatever. T'was nice to have some coffee and catch up with her.


**I had known of her in highschool and we go back to some extent**, but I was never really involved with her or her friends so...yeah**


anywho thanks a bundle and we'll see if anything happens or not

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