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Hey, just came on to vent as I have just come back from a weekend away with my ex (who I am good friends with) and another female friend. My ex met someone else there and it has screwed me over so much! I lost sleep and couldn't eat, everytime I saw them go off together (they spent most of the weekend together) I felt I was going to throw up. I jokingly asked my ex if there was anything between them, but then he looked at me real surprised and said no, that he wasn't interested, neither was she, but that they had gotten on quite well. Ten minutes later, I overhear them together and he was asking for her mobile number and arranging to meet up with her next week after work. That hurt soooooo much! I felt like he had lied to me! The funny thing is, is I have a head and heart thing going on here. No way would I want my ex back the way things were. He has a lot of problems! And this woman he has just met has bipolar, is on tons of medication and has other problems as well!! I must admit, I feel soooo guilty as I think that I am much better than her, she doesn't seem to me to be much to write home about, but maybe that's because I am jealous. Because my ex and I are very good friends now and we have the same social circle, I am not sure how I am going to cope with seeing the two of the together, even though another friend asked the girl if she was with my ex and she emphatically said no. Am I worrying too much? I am really trying to let go, but it doesn't seem to last for long! Please help!

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How can you do it? You are never going to let go as long as you hang out together!


Can you at least try and not see each other?


It appears you are definitely not over him. You still have feelings without a doubt.


As long as you see him, you can never get the chance to let go.

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