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if your in a long distance relationship can you fall out of love with that person because their not around you?


ive heard of so many people say they were fine when they were together in the same town etc but when they had to move apart one of them ended up saying they werent in love anymore.



if you did live in the same area but now you are far away from one another even just for certain amount of time like 6 mnths but when you left to move your relationship was rocky does that make it easier to fall out of love with them because their nto around?

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Hello...I went out with a guy for over 2 years when I was younger and I lived in the UK and he lived in Germany serving in the US forces. For two years we commuted backwards and forwards and then when his time ended in the army he moved back to the USA.


Now, we were about 20 by then and just didn't have the money to fly over and see eachother so we ended it...but you know that was over 11 years ago and I still speak to him now. He was my "true love/soul mate" if there are such things...


when he was in Germany we could cope with that, but the US really was too far and with too little money, there is not a lot you can do.


I have a sister who met her husband when she was 15 and he lived about 250 miles away and 17 years on they are married and have kids.


I think what I am trying to say, that regardless of the distance or whatever if it is meant to be you will make it happen...

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I was in a LDR for over two yrs (he was in th UK, I was in the US). I moved here to the UK about 8mnths ago now and the rest is history. However, I know what you mean about that feeling of falling out of love. It wasn't that so much as it was an out of sight out of mind thing. Well, no, I thought about him every day. But it's a downer after just seeing them and being able to hug and kiss them. It's a real poor substitute. So after one would head home, there was a real down time until we had healed enough to get excited about seeing each other again.


It was terribly hard, but difinitely worth. Saying that, I would never do it again!

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Let's face it. Long distance relationships are far from easy.I am currently facing one now myself.

You both have to be 100% committed to one another. If one person is only giving 50% it is less likely to work out in the end. You have to be willing to put out a lot of –TIME- and –ENERGY- into the relationship more then ever.

–TRUST- is the main key and concern in any sort of relationship. Even more so in a long distance relationship. You have to be able to trust your companion and they have to be able to trust you. For obvious reasons: such as you aren't going to be around them all the time, and you will not know what they are doing 24/7. The main worry of people who are in long distance relationships is they are going to get hurt by ones unfaithfulness. If you really love each other then you wont want to be with anyone else because you know what you have. We all know that it still hurts to be cheated on even if we don't know about it.

Most couples realize how much they love each other when one leaves and they are apart; they realize how much they really want to be together. Only time will tell, let time take its toll.

A lot of people think that long distance relationships can't work out because you loose the love and or romance. That is not always true there are many things you can do to keep your relationship alive. You just have to be willing to try. Don't give up so easily. One reason these long distance relationships fail is because one is paranoid and worried about what the other is doing all the time that you begin to think of the worst. That brings no good into a relationship. All that will do is make you argue all the time, and eventually maybe even cause a break-up. Dwelling on things will not make things better, but make things worse it can also cause you to be stressed and possibly even make you depressed. You have to be optimistic about things don't always be so pessimistic.

Another piece of advice is to not listen to other people when they doubt your relationship. All this will do is make you doubt your relationship as well. You must not do that; you have to stay strong and optimistic. One good thing that does come out of ones words is if you make it successfully in the end YOU CAN PROVE THEM WRONG! That could always feel good. If you can get through a long distance relationship then you can get through pretty much anything!

Not all distant relationships are bad. For example, if you are in a troubled relationship being away from your mate could make things better. You will have time to be alone and think a lot of things through. Distant relationships can strengthen a relationship regardless of if it was troubled or not. Not all long distance relationships work out. Though the main reasons they fail are because one mate can't handle the time away, or they just don't want to try anymore. It could also be they want to be with other people. That is always worst-case scenario!

When the day comes that he/she is back into your arms all your pain and tears will be washed away. You will realize that he/she was worth the wait. Sometimes you have to hurt to be happy, not always but sometimes. It will feel so good to have him/her back into your arms and back into your life.

Again if you get through this you can conquer anything that life decides to throw out at you as a couple. Keep your head up stay strong and don't give up! The end results can be utterly amazing.

Good luck!

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