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My girl left for the military a few days ago. Since then, I've been feeling so lost, empty, and confused. Everything that I had was put into her. Now that she's away, it's hard to even want to do anything at all. Nothing feels right.


We'll keep in touch through letters, and I'm sure I'll get to see her in October. It just seems so far away. I've decided to keep a journal for all the time she is away, and let her have it once she comes back. I think it would be great for her to know my deep personal thoughts on things while she's been gone.


We've been apart before, but this feels so different. I'm sure it's because in this time, we both have to pretty much setup our lives. I've honestly been feeling lots of pressure and have even come to question my career choice. I just want to be financially stable for us both. I'm afraid that she'll think differently of me if I don't do this in time.


We've made it clear that we really want to be in each other's lives forever. Marriage is a definite possibilty. After I get out of school is the time we will consider it. I'll become her military spouse. It feels like this is all I have to look forward to because it's honestly all I want.


In the meantime, I'll do everything I can to build my career and save as much as I can. Right now, I'm just so down and want to sleep all of this away. I know I have to stay motivated in order to make our future together as bright as possible. It's just going to take some time for me to get used to her not being around.


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It was a big decision for her to do. It's a positive move by her career wise. While, she's gone you really can concentrate on getting school finished and getting your career started as well. I know you must feel lonely without her, but you can use her as motivation. lol, I think the word use sounds bad, but I do hope you know what I mean. The time apart will also make the times you have together (those few weeks) before she's home or out of the military will help you realize how much you really love her and can't live without her!

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