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leaving my family behind for college...

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heres the scoop, i have a chance to go to college in maine- starting at a community college then transfering to state college. i have the same chance in florida in the orlando area if i live there a year. the thing is i made a promise freshman year of high school to my best friend that if he moved to florida or not that we would go to college together. hes going to the community college near orlando then transferring to ucf. i also have a few new friends down there through him. now here (in maine) i have friends, a job, a girlfriend who i care about a lot (not a love thing, though.) a few band oppurtunities etc. i figure if i move to florida it would take away my distractions from school and with my friend, who is the most motivated and influential person ever, ild do really well. but up here i have my family to think about... my sisters pregnant with twwins, my nephews growing up, my parents and all of my siblings except two are planning to buy houses. i dont have the money to go between here and there all the time so im really stuck. do i throw away my friends, girlfriend, and family moments for college, my best friend and my future? i would hate to disappoint both my family and friends, but on the other hand ild be seriously damaging and hurting my friend whos been stoked on this for god knows how long. let me know your thoughts, anything. financially i cant pull them both off so im stuck. i am leaning towards staying but once i think about everything ill experience in florida i cant help but want to be there. ive never been out of maine. i dont know. i miss my friend but ill miss my family. im confused.

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yeah, the thing is he doesnt really understand. he thinks that ild be giving up so many new things just because im scared of change and i like my family. like i dont think im scared of change but i think hes right on a certain level, i mean who knows what better or worse jobs there will be down there? who knows. and i like the idea of changing things, i dont want to be like the rest of my family although i love them to death.

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yeah, the thing is he doesnt really understand. he thinks that ild be giving up so many new things just because im scared of change and i like my family. like i dont think im scared of change but i think hes right on a certain level, i mean who knows what better or worse jobs there will be down there? who knows. and i like the idea of changing things, i dont want to be like the rest of my family although i love them to death.


I hear you bro, I felt the same way. In my case, I joined the military at 18 so after that choice...I didn't have any anymore...


Like I said before, FL isn't going anywhere and you have a lot of time to take care of what you need to in Maine and then move down there. It sounds to me (my gut feeling) is you still have some things to finish up in Maine and there will come a time when you really want to leave...that will be the right time I think to do so...

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