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To tell you the truth ive never been truly accepted by a girl. I mean when i say you want to be my g/f they usually said no lets be friends or im not ready for a realtionship. Ive had g/fs but it wasnt like where i asked them and they said yes but more like we hang out and just see what happens. What if this girl says yes ......I know it sounds dumb but what do I do? Ive had a struggle with that all my life! plz reply........Thanx in advance!


I mean what do i do rite then and there do i hug her or something i mean i like her so much i think i love her.....plz reply ....thx!


I love her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well...what have you done with those girls that you just sort of fell into being g/f b/f with?


Same thing, difference is that you put your ego on the line and they said yes!


Call them, hang out with them, be their friends.


If and when the time is right, kiss or whatever else.


But most of all, stop worrying about it...no better way to ruin a possible relationship then stressing about it and making it into something its not.


Just enjoy yourself!!! Isn't love grand?

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Hey there, sorry you keep stressing about this girl.

I want you to make me a promise....just ask her...and when she says yes, then yes hug her....


The best love comes usually from just letting things happen, but you have to make some sort of effort to get things started!


Jump in head first and see what you get. And worrying about this will get you no where...only action will get you what you want.

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