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Do men cheat even when they're happy?

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it's human nature to want more than one person...guys always want what they can't have and if they have what they wanted they always want something else. I find a lot of girls are like that too now. It's sad that we lower ourselves and degrade ourselves like this. I don't understand why anyone would be unfaithful.

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Well I may be a different kind of guy but I was faithful to my ex for 25 years even when I wasn't happy. I have to admit there were times I was tempted. Unfortunetly I can't say the same for my ex. After about 11 yrs of being married she had an affair. I have to tell you at that time it was one of the most difficult things I ever had to deal with. Even though I feel we never resolved it the way we should have (mostly my fault) we got through it. Now recently she decided she didn't want to be married & no longer loved me. So once again I'm faced with the pain. Our divorce was finial in May & she has already found someone new & living with him. Which makes me suspicious of what may have contributed to the end of our marriage. Whether it was emotional or physical I'll never know but its a moot point now anyway. I hope I answered your question in here somewhere.

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To answer your first question:

Yes, I think many men cheat even when they are happy. From my perspective, it's because of the novelty of the experience. Men have an ability (or disability) to block out emotions and enjoy purely the physical aspect of the experience. Perhaps women do too - I just haven't met a woman like that. For me, the reason is simple. I just love women - they are shaped differently, they smell differently, they laugh differently, they engage in sexual acts differently, and so on. If my girlfriend understood this, I would probably cheat (not to say I'm a saint). But she doesn't accept that point of view, and so I don't cheat.


There are all sorts of evolutionary theories that attempt to answer your question. Perhaps they are accurate. But the bottom line is we live in a society that does not accept this type of behavior. There are sub groups within our society, like swingers, that probably have a very similar outlook as I mention above and are able to maintain a healthy relationship with their loved one, even admist the experiences they engage in.


I fear that in not cheating I am fighting something very natural and will begin to resent my girlfriend. "Cheating" itself is such a negative word, yet that's what society named it. Maybe it's not cheating, but really "following the rules."


I think a lot of what I said goes for your question 2 as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone. First time post! I have been reading various threads on this forum and finally saw one I felt I should chime in about.


I just graduated from college and coming from the environment I've seen how relationships can be hook-up in nature to full out steady committment. From the male friends I talked to about their relationships I found that it is indeed the females that did a majority of the cheating. Maybe it's just my friends, but I heard story after story of guys treating their women well (taking them out, being there for them) and then finding out that their ladies had cheated on them. [Even some of my more devious friends, were two-timed] To answer your question I don't believe that most guys cheat if they are happy or not in a relationship. When you think about it why not just remove yourself from the relationship and then try someone else out? There is never a time for playing with a person's emotions. And no doubt men cheat, but lets not forget the ladies have the same chance...

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