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Deal with difficult customer

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I am in the customer service line.


Does anyone has any tips on how to deal with difficult customers?


What experience has you gained from it?


Examples of problem that you have help them to solve?


Let say, the problem is blamed on you, how to deal with it?


Thank you.

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Depends on how difficult they are.


Apologize for the problems they are having.


Ask them if it were up to them, how would they like to see the problem resolved.


Ask them if they would prefer to speak to your manager.


I worked fast food, and because I was the person taking money, I was often blamed for problems. I tried my best to help customers. Once though, a guy was being a real jerk and kept saying "McDonalds Does this, McDonald's Does that..." so I finally got fed up and said McDonalds is down the street, why don't you take yourself there and have a nice day. He got pissed and asked for my manager. She just replied "well would you like him to draw you a map?" I of course had proven myself as being a model employee so she knew that this customer had probably crossed a line with me.


I think the best advice is to put yourself in the customers shoes, empathise with them, and then do your best to solve their problems. Most customers are appreciative if you make the effort to help. I really hate it when I ask for help with a problem, and I get a flat out no. Go the extra mile for them, and you might turn that difficult customer into a loyal one.

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I got this from the free link removed


a. To give up, as in defeat; surrender or submit.

b. To give way to pressure or force: The door yielded to a gentle push.

c. To give way to argument, persuasion, influence, or entreaty.

d. To give up one's place, as to one that is superior: yielded to the chairperson.


Now if reading those gave your ego a little jar, I think you would be totally normal. It's not nice to give in.


But look at definition b.


People who complain push hard against you- and its natural in our society to push back- why let that person treat you that way. But If you resist you will feel the strain. If you open like a swinging door their force will push by you and you wont feel it. But it takes disassociation- dont allow their anger or force to run through you blocking it with your own emotions.


I studied Tai Chi for a while and one of the keys to Tai Chi is yielding- giving way to direct force- or redirecting it in the direction you want. I think it is also the key to life.


There is nothing you can do- if you push back I'm guessing you will lose your job, but you will also get nowhere.


If you yield, it is not defeat, it is the best defense.


Sorry thats sounds a bit hippyish but cant think how else to describe it.


I found laughing gently, as if to say, oh no thats terrible but there's nothing we can do alwasy works. Make the person feel like you are on their side, but dont be negative in any way. The face I always try to have is my "oh the world is a confusing and sometimes frustrating place but lets keep smiling" face. It's all about defusing- if someone attacks you dont defend- yield!!!!!!

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OK Being the boss and dealing with all customer complaints all day long, I know exactly what to do and say. I have done extensive training in this as it is the main part of my job and I will share some of my Supervisor skills and my training with you.


There are 4 types of customer complainers



1) Raging Bull

Can get very abusive towards you and the company.

Takes things personally

Will be very aggressive.


You must be as polite as possible to them

Try to placate them

Let them know you understand their problem

Commit yourself to doing something even if it's a remedial action.

Use good body language.



2) The patroniser

Thinks they are superior to everyone else

Will talk down to you

Attempts to make you feel small


Flatter them whenever possible

Undertand that you will never change thier attitude

ALways be professiona in your approach

Don't allow them to provoke you


3) The Ferret

Will never trust you to put the complaint right

Demands action but doesn't give you a chance to do anything

Emphasis to them that you are doing something

Stick to any promise that you make


4) The Bully

Relies on sarcasm and verbal abuse

Tries to make you feel humilated and insulted

Rarely loses their temper.


Be as professional as possible.

Don't rise to their bait, even if you have to bite your tongue

Suggest a course of action and get their agreement to it.

make sure whatever is agreed happens.



It takes 90 seconds to climb the ladder and 'blow a fuse'. So, time is of the essense. Everything counts from the moment that your customer begins to approach you. What can you do in 90 seconds to stop the fuse being lit?

Your body language is VERY important, make sure you use eye contact but be careful as too much eye contact can be interpreted as an aggressive stare. The tone of your voice is also very important, don't patronise. Listen to what they have to say without interrupting.

FIND OUT, FIX IT, FOLLOW UP. Treat people as you yourself expect to be treated. Don't take things personally. If you mess up, explain and apologise, try to fix it, if you're out of your depth,tell someone like me who HAS had the training and let them take over.

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There's also a book called How to Deal with Difficult People....


I've been in customer service longer than I care to admit. I agree with Happytown - if what he was saying was that you just have to soak it and kiss butt. Cuz you do. Then scream into your phone after they've gone.


And THIS is why I HATE, nay LOATHE people/customers/customer service...

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