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Check up for STD and AIDS: A must or a trust?

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My bf has been with 6 girls and I've been with only one guy. I go to the "lady doctor" annually for a check up and so on. If I consider doing anything with my current bf in the future I think I'd like for him to get tested. I think he could easily get tested on campus at his college. If the issue comes up do you think I should ask him to get checked out to be safe? Would any of the guys reading this be hurt if their gf asked them to do this or embarrassed? I just want to be safe.

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Hi SmokeyCat,


In my opinion, if you are worried (which is fine), you have to ask him to. Tell him it's just for your satisfaction, so you'll know. I wouldn't take offense if someone asked me, although it can be an awkward thing. In these times, you never know, and it's always a good idea to check.


I'd tell him, but do it in a way that doesn't seem like you suspect he's got anything. Just say "Hun, I'm just uneasy, knowing that you've been with other girls. Can you get tested just to ease my mind?"


He may say something like "Don't worry, I'm fine!", as most people do, especially before they get the first test. Just tell him that you're always going to wonder, and you want to be safe for yourself. If he really respects you, he should do this for you.


Good luck!


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Thanks for the advice. I'm getting my regular check-up done this week but he lives in a different city anyways so we couldn't get checked together. I don't plan on doing anything with him just yet but in the future I may ask him to see a doctor and get tested for any stds. Once again, Thanks everyone!

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Hi again...


Just to follow up and save a little face on this one...


SwingFox, I agree and I think it should be a regular practice for anyone. I was more looking at how she should approach him to ask him to go get tested. It's not that he would be hiding something, but I know If I were asking, I would hate to seem like I was accusing someone of having a STD, it can be a touchy subject.


All in all, though, it should be a regular thing for everyone to get tested. You never know, and it's quick and easy to find out...




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  • 3 months later...

Definitely a MUST if he's been with 6. It's not about trusting him or not. If he gets mad at you for asking this, tell him that this isn't a trust issue. He might not know it himself if he has an STD. Plus, you can never be sure if he's cheating on you. I can't believe that so many girls ASSURE their boyfriends would never cheat. It's not up to you, it's up to him.

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