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Emotion: Since I told her to not contact me unless it was very important she will move on with her life and forget about me completely

Fact: Yeah right, when I was doing LC SHE was the one calling me, contacting me. She missed me even when we were still talking, now that I have told her I dont want her in my life right now, she will want it even more. Even so, if she does move on its for the better for the both of us.


Emotion: Her and the new guy will end up going out and she will forget about me completely

Fact: Even if this happens she will get bored of him, she told me she is already starting to get bored of him. Plus their relationship started out as friends with benefits, a very weak foundation for a relationship. His personality and looks cant compare with me at all. If they do being together it will be her that is missing out, not me.


Emotion: I want her back so bad. I will never find anyone like her ever again. She was one of a kind.

Fact: A couple months before she broke up with me I was contemplating breaking up with her, the only reason I didn't was because I didn't was because the lease wasnt up for another couple of months and I didnt want to deal with all the crap it would cause. In my first relationship I thought I would never find someone like the girlfriend I had then, only to find out that I found someone even better. There are tons of people out there and eventually I will find someone who is even better than latest ex.


Emotion: She is having way too much fun right now to think of me, to want to be with me, etc.

Fact: She may be having fun right now. Drinking, casual sex, all that jazz. It will only come back to bite her in the * * *. She will do things she will eventually regret. People do that stuff in phases for a reason, because it is only fun for a phase until they realize it is only bringing them down. Even so, she wont stop thinking of me, because she couldnt stop missing me while I was doing LC, and now that NC is going she will REALLY realize what she is missing.


Emotion: I am doing NC to get her back.

Fact: I dont want HER back, I want what we had together back. I am doing NC to get myself together. To help myself heal. To get myself back.


Emotion: She doesn't want me, no one wants me.

Fact: How can she not want me? Sure the attraction was lost at the end of the relationship, but LOVE cannot be based on completely on attraction. Love is a choice. I am one of the most interesting people I know. I have been working on working out, and eating right. I am getting better looking by the minute, a new hair cut, new clothes, new tattoo and starting to get a six pack. She may be having fun with her new friends at the moment, but drinking and casual sex will only be fun for so long, before she realizes what she gave up. And when that time comes it will be too late. Anyone who gets me will be lucky to have me. I am a good guy, one who is willing to change himself for the better, and actually has the disciple and determination to do it.


Emotion: She is bettering herself without me, she is better of without me.

Fact: Sure, she is talking about working out, losing weight, going to school. But didnt she talk about that for 2 years while we were going out? YES. She always talked and planned about doing things to better herself, but she never had the follow through, and there is no reason to believe that she will follow through now. She bought books, made workout plans, set small goals, but never reached any of her goals. She is in huge debt, has a crappy job that cant pay off her debt anytime soon, is overweight. She was beneath me in so many ways. She says she is trying to get out of all of that, but she isnt really. She has a crappy workout plan that isnt going to work, not just because she wont follow it, but because the plan just plain isnt a good one. She isnt eating correctly, and she is drinking way too much for any workout plan to do any good.


Emotion: I will be alone for a along time.

Fact: That depends on me. Right now I am making the decision to be alone. To work on myself, to make myself a better person. When I want to be with someone it wont be that hard to find someone. I am good looking, funny, I play the guitar and the drums, I am interesting, I am different than most other guys, I have goals and reach them whenever I put my mind to it. Any girl would be lucky to have me.

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well, alot of her actions lately bring the dissing on herself. She broke up with me so that she could party with and screw anyone she wants to. She thinks she has self confidence but its only coming from her feeling good about guys wanting to sleep with her or make out with her. If she continues down that road she will have a very hard life.

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I admire your confidence, but to this reader, much of it seems the result of dissing her.


I agree with you Dako, however I'm guessing Blindreepr might be going through an anger stage and to that I say, good for you do whatever you have to do to get over this girl. Life is too short. Good luck to you!

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