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Icky feminine problems... and even Wikipedia has failed me! :O

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Okay, I'm hesitant to go to a doctor about this because I'm super-shy about doctors. (We haven't had a family doctor since I was very young and lived in another city, so I'm reeeeally uncomfortable with the thought of some stranger fiddling around with my bits.)


This is a period question. Yucky and probably WAY too graphic for the faint of heart, but it's worrisome enough for me to post this. This problem started in March. Every second month (March, May, and now July) I've had incredibly light periods. They're fairly punctual, but they only last for a couple of days before petering out -- and after only a few drops of thick, dark brown blood coming out! On the months between (April and June), I've had nice normal periods.


I'm sixteen, not having sex, and I'm not on the pill or any other medication. The only thing I've found out is that it's called hypomenorrhea -- and even beloved, reliable Wikipedia doesn't have an entry on it. It's very difficult to find even a vague article about it!


Has anyone else experienced this? I'd love a recommendations for an online expert in women's health that I could ask about it. (Haven't been able to find any that don't seem flaky and Martha Stewart-y.)


Any answers are welcome and VERY appreciated!

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If it's worrisome, see a doctor.


It could be due to a number of reasons. Body chemistry, physical problems, stress, diet, the fact that you're still young, etc etc.


I know people here are going to offer you diagnoses. My suggestion is to use them as research, but certainly not as gospel. We're not doctors, we cannot diagnose you. PLEASE see a doctor if you're worried, they're the ones to talk to, not us.

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Hey Sputnik,


No weird or yuck question at all! I think you have nothing to worry about, not all your periods have to be the same. But really, diagnosing yourself with 'low-bleeding' (if that in fact is a 'disease'), you can't do that on the internet. It will scare you more than going to a doctor.


I think a doctor will most like ask about sexual activity which is none, do a bloodtest and see if you have low bodyweight. I lost my period completely when I was underweight (anorexic).


I think I found link removed this site for you, it helped me out a great deal. At least there is a specialist (if you assume the website is true) there and a lot of females.


I also had very light periods, but that was on the pill. Don't worry about seeing a obgyn. When you are as old as I am now, you will start to have yourself checked out yearly, and there is really NOTHING to be scared of.



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I'm just curious-

Since you're only sixteen, at what age did you start your period?


I asked because for some young girls - from their first menstruating cycle it takes about 14 months to become regular though some girls do become regular at once.


But if you've always been regular and this is a sudden change in your menstruating cycle then I'd advise that you seek medical attention because there could be an underlying condition that you may not be aware of (i.e. an overactive thyroid or kidney diseases).


I know sometimes it gets embarrassing going to the doctors and having them probe where you feel least comfortable. However, you have to consider your health and life. Doctors are objectively trained and believe me they've seen it all and seeing you won't be any different. If you're hesitant about seeing a male doctor, certainly a female doctor is available as well.

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That is a normal age, and since it's still regular, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Ask your mother in addition! Sometimes daughters have the same complaints as their moms. If it continues to be too light, just go to a doctor. I don't think he will look down there at first, he might order some bloodwork to see how the hormones are in the blood.


Hope you feel less worried,



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I started at age 11 and did the same thing probably until age 16 or so. Some months would be very light, almost non-existant. Some months would be normal. Some months, I would go a regular 4-5 week cycle and sometimes it was every 2 weeks. There was no rhyme or reason to it. I had horrible, horrible, horrible cramps when I was 15-16 and after that went on for about a year, everything seemed to "level" out. Been like clockwork since.

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