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Advice needed for the Guilty Third Party

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I don't really know how to start this. My brother recently had a birthday party. It wasn't very big, it was just a few friends. We were all drinking heavily and playing A**hole. After playing that for a few hours we all went outside and continued drinking. My brother went to bed and passed out at about 12:30 in the morning. A friend, my brother's girlfriend, and myself continue to drink and talk till about 5:30 in the morning. The friend goes to sleep on a couch. The girlfriend and I started cleaning up the porch (i.e. bringing the beer bottles into the kitchen). While she was pouring out the bottles at the sink, I made a pass at her and then we started making out on the kitchen floor. She then offered a blow-job and I took it. We went down to the basement and she started. After a few minutes we couldn't take it anymore and we had sex. After it was all said and done. I felt completely ashamed of myself and I should be. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Just about a year ago, we got each other off with Mutual Masterbation. I honestly don't know what this doesn't to our relationship let alone the relationship with my brother. If anyone has ever gone through something similar to this, please feel free to respond to this posting.

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That's horrible. You slept with your brothers girlfriend?


I have no "good advice" on this one hun. I am TOTALLY against infidelity.


I have been cheated on before and it doesn't feel to great. Believe me it hurts.


Cheating is one thing, but with your own brothers girlfriend is another.


Sorry...you messed up sweetie.

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Two ways to look at this, yes this guy slept with his brothers G/F at the same time, this girl slept with the brother of her boyfriend, get it?


they both could have said "No" they are both wrong, the worse victim is the brother, not only does he have a brother that will make passes at his girlfriend(s), he has a girlfriend that would actually agree to cheat and sleep with his brother.


not sure whats worse. but both parties are wrong.

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You admit you messed up. Good job. Were you and the girlfriend drunk the last time you and her got mixed up with each other? If so, you should really swear off drinking with just you and her. You are going to have to come out with this to your brother. It's not fair for him to be left in the dark while his girlfriend is sleeping with his brother. And you never know if she's doing this with other guys. Don't blame it all on yourself, she did offer the blowjob afterall. You were both in the wrong and she needs to fess up too. Your brother may get mad at you and all of that, but you are family and I would hope one day he could find it in himself to forgive you. As for the girlfriend, I don't know what will happen between them, but there will be a major trust factor gone if they stay together. And he may not bring any more girlfriends around for you to meet. But he deserves to know. You already hurt him by sleeping with his girl, don't hurt him more by lying about it. Not confessing is lyiing to me.

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Hey there... well sounds like you have a problem i had one similar here goes... My best friend dated a guy named joe who was in the grade higher then us... so we were just partying and drinking and such one night and got to talking and this was liek 2 weeks after they broke up.. befor i knew it we were together and for liek 4 months we kept it a secret.. well when i finally told my friend she flipped out but managed to get past it.. this was a bad thing that you did but the longer you keep it a secret the worse it will get i suggest you tell the truth thats what set me free after the whole thing.. and then after that it did take a very long time for her to regain trust and get used to it but the guy joe and got together again... but i dont' think you shuold contiue with this girl you will prob. regret it adn it probably isn't worth the damage you will do on your relationship with your brother... family comes way befor stuff like that... well I hope i could help in some ways.. best of luck

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This isnt some one sided story, this is a two way street.

Here is my advice,


You need to first understand that no matter how fast you run, the Karma behind what you have done to your brother and what she has done to him, will catch up with you. Oh sure its fun now, but when it hits you there is absoulutely no escaping it. Trust me when I tell you that you are very wrong for this, and so is she. Your brother trusts the both of you and would be so devistated to say the least. More so at you then her, because women will come, and women will go, but brothers don't just fade like the wind. I would try my hardest to avoid contact with this young lady. She obviously does not respect you or your brother very much to play "have my cake and eat it too!" Seems to me like you don't respect this brother either, or yourself, because if you did , you would chose morals and loyalty over lust. Any women can give you the blow job of your life, (well not any, but some can ). Seems like this is all about the thrill of getting caught. Its funny now but just think of the hurt your brother will go through if and when he finds this out. This is such a painful thing, and to be honest I would rather a total stranger have at my partner then some one like a family member or a friend. That hurt lasts longer then just some stranger on the street because its a violation of trust and the "BROTHERS CREED" . One day you will feel his pain, in some way or another and if that doesnt stop you in your tracks then I'm not sure what will. This younglady, will also RUE the day, when her bubble burst from all of this horrible and very disloyal behavior, and of all things.. at his BIRTHDAY PARTY, you two have put some very negative energys out on yourselves, I will pray for you, because you both will lay in this bed you have made (no pun intended)!

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