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I cheated on him...


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It's my one month aniversary today, but I haven't talked to my bf yet... because of something that happened last night. I was out of town with some of my girl friends, and we met up with some guy friends (these guys are really good friends with my bf). Anyway, there was a big dance, and it's basically a place for teens to hook up and meet each other, and really just have a good time. The whole time I was there I wasn't interested in even flirting with other guys, (this is VERY unlike me; I'll admit I flirt a lot, but nothing more). We all drank, except I think I ended up past my limit and drank too much. Lots of the guys were hitting on me, and I was trying to ignore it. This one guy ended up kissing me, and I backed away after a few seconds and I told him that I like my bf way too much to do that to him. My friends saw, and so did one of my bf's good friends, I don't know if he's said anything to him yet or not though. I'm going to tell my bf because I know he's going to find out one way or another... whether it be today, a few days from now... or even a month from now. I don't want this to ruin our relationship, because I know that if it were the other way around I'd be pretty mad at him. I feel horrible, and wish that never happened. I'm not sure what to do... or what to say. All help is appreciated, thanks.

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I think you should tell him A.S.A.P.!!!! The sooner the better. Tell him exactly what happened and that it was the guy who came onto you. If you don't tell him first and one of your friends or his do...it may get thrown out of proportion. Just be calm about it and tell him lightly. Show that it really hurts you that it happened. He'll probably understand if he really cares about you.

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I personally think you should let him know. You tell him. It wouldn't be a good idea to let him find out himself or from someone else ya know?


Finding out that your girlfriend cheated on you from someone else isn't a good situation to be in. Because in the end he would feel betrayed by you that you went so long withoug telling him. If you know he is going to find out, wouldn't you rather tell him now so you can possibly work it out?


I think if you tell him and explain your story that he might not be very angry. He would rather hear it from you now rather from someone else months down the road you see what I am saying?


Hope my advice helps!



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I say you tell him ASAP!!!!! The longer you leave, the less trusting you become, and the less likely he'll believe it was JUST a kiss. Also, if your bf's friend who saw this didn't tell his friend he wouldn't be a friend...get to your BF before your friend does.

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