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I'm in sort of a slump today. I'm sure you all know my story, as I feel like I post too much....


I was talking about my whole situation with someone who I don't really know, nor knows my situation, and they said to me, "well maybe you didn't see what kind of person you really were." That really hurt me.


I know I was not perfect, but I feel that I tried everything I could to show how much I loved my ex. I even tried at the end, but he had already jumped right onto a dating sight.


I guess I'm not really asking any question, just stating the fact that I may have been someone who brought out such anger in my ex. i know his words and actions weren't right, but why did this person have to tell me that. I guess thats why I just need to stop thinking about this situation, stop talking about it, and realize verbal abuse, no matter what, is not right.

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Thanks. I am still weak, and to hear that just brought me down. I know I can't listen to anyone like that. Of course I was not perfect, but I look at my mom and dad. They have been married 25 years, and I am just like my mom in so many ways... Im sensitive and easily hurt, and I'm not afraid to speak up when I don't like something... But, my dad has never told her to shut up, slammed the door in her face, or ignored her ONCE. He still opens the door for her and carry's her purse when she is tired. Its so sweet, and I guess I just have to remember that even though I may have set him off in some ways, his reaction was not normal.


Ugg, I can't let this stuff bother me.

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