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getting married

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ok me and my fiance have august 14th,2004 as our wedding date because we wanted to have a backyard wedding. no my man wants to get married this oct nov but i am a little concerend about 2 things one being the weather it will probably be too cold for a backyard wedding that time of year and also i want to move out into our own place because at the moment we live with his parents and we will prob be stuck there if we get married right now.... what are my options

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Hello to you.....and congrats! How exciting.


Now my question is what is his reasoning for wanting to move up the date? Maybe there is something here we are missing.


And given where you are...yes you will be a tad cold during the winter months. My sister got married on New Years last year ( in western ny) so yes it was cold and snowy...but it was the best wedding I have ever been to. You may think people don't want to "have" to be somewhere on New years...but...it was great. It was a late wedding, and then we partied into the New Year. Also, people were able to make reservations at the hotel if they wanted to stay.


You can do great things during the winter months...but no not a garden wedding. Unless.....you find a great big arboretum center to do it in.

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