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16, new to this whole dating thing...

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For so long i've felt like i've needed a boyfriend to feel, i don't know, special. I've just started to feel amazing without a guy. Like i don't need a guy feel good, i'm having fun. Well now that i don't want a guy, here's one knocking on my door!! I met him at this program i went to for a week but i only talked to him once. To be honest i didn't even really notice him, when i talked to him he intrigued me but i just kind of forgot about him. Everyone was exchanging emails and he asked me for mine and i got his.


To be honest, i completely forgot about him until i got an email from him asking how i was. This was thursday, friday we started talking on AIM, saturday night i talked to him from 12am to 5am in the morning, and last night we talked online again and texted for a while. I know he likes me, he says things like "i want to see your smile again" all that lovey dovey stuff. And i like him too.


The thing is i'm worried things are going to fast, we're talking everyday for at least 2 hours. Last night when we got offline after an hour of talking i was like "crap i really want to keep on talking to him." It kind of freaked me out. Then he texed me saying he wanted to keep talking to me, so we texed eachother for another hour.


I'm worried i'm feeling attached after all of 4 days. I don't know i just haven't really had this happen before. The other issue is he's giving me all these complements online, or we're having fun on the phone, but i'm just worried that when i see him in person it's going to be weird. Awkward because we've said all this stuff to each other but then when we're face to face, it might be kind of strange because of it. Uggh, i don't know what to do, should i stop talking to him as often? Am i doing everything right?


Another thing is i don't normally talk to my mother about guys, we just don't really discuss the topic though if i wanted to i know she'd listen, it would just be awkward. With this i almost feel like i should tell her, i feel like i'm lying, i don't know why. I'm not used to talking to guys romantically, this guy is really my first i just don't know what's too much, or what i shouldn't do, or if i should tell my mother or what.


Also, in the past, if guys have called me or talked to me, i've wanted to tell ALL my friends, i wanted to let everyone know that a guy was interested and talking to me. With Christian (this guy) i don't really want to tell everyone, maybe my closest friends, (but i've only told 2, and they aren't even friends i see regualarly, just ones i know i can talk too). Why is this?


I don't know, this is all so new to me, maybe thats why i'm feeling kind of anxious, i like Christian though, he's constantly making me laugh, he's so intelligent, and athletic, he's everything i could ask for in a guy. The only issue is he lives pretty far away from me (on the other side of town) and in a pretty bad area i know my mother proabaly wouldn't be too happy about. Neither of us drive so getting together would be kind of difficult, if anything we could make it work though. Am i jumping the gun? Overthinging things? Ugh i don't know why i'm nervous about all this?

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Id say just have fun with it, since neither of u can drive, meeting in person may be a bit difficult, u should probably try to meet somewhere in between where u two live.


You say u talk like 2 hours each night, and there isnt such thing as talking to mcuh to your lover or what ever but you may eventually run out of things to say and the line will become really quiet. So you mgiht wanna either try not to use all your material if you know what i mean.


Anyways, make sure you dont give evrything away just because u have all these quick feelings.


If you feel like your lying to your mother then you should probably tell her. If shes the kind of person who wont let you have a boyfriend then, tough luck, shes your mother she will probably notice that your dressing up especially nice. It would probably be best to tell her insted of having her find out for herself.


and dont go run around and tell all your friends, ive had friends like that and its sorta annoying, anyways if u cant contain urself make sure u slip it in very smoothly. LoL, have fun with ur "boy"


for transportation, u could use a bus, either of your parents, a sibling if u have one that older, or perhaps a mutual friend. anyways, good luck

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