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This may help you in some way!

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Yesterday, I came accross something that reminded me not of my ex but of a time before I met my ex.. It was an album that I used to have and I used to listen to it all the time around the age of 16-17, Im 23 now.

Anyway I couldnt find it so I bought it this morning, and you know what it took me right back to a time when I was very happy and single and I can picture myself and how I was then before all this pain.


So my idea is this, If you want to snap at of your pain for at least a few minutes or want to go back to a time when you was more happy, then I suggest you get some of your old stuff out or go visit somewhere that has no memories attached to your ex, This album I'm listening to now has made me feel so much better, It reminds of how I used to be.. A smiley happy boy who didnt know how much pain there was in this world....


Hope this helps you somewhat..

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this is good advice. The other day I went skateboarding while listening to hardcore punk and let me tell ya, it felt great. Getting back to doing things that I enjoyed doing before the breakup made me remember who I really was, and that my relationship with my ex isnt what defined me.

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I like this. Music is mighty powerful. If you can tap into it for good, I say go for it!


Amazingly (to me anyways), doing something like this can be great when you are in a relationship too. I know I've been going through hard times with my mr.man.

Recently I downloaded tonnes and re-connected with a bunch of old music buddies from years ago when I was only just about-to-meet-mr.man.


I have taken a break from all music he likes. lol. Though I do appreciate the width and scope it has brought to my musical tastes.


Ever notice how when you are with someone your music interests can get smushed up together? You get exposed and 'comprimise' by listening to their tunes, and the other way around. Especially so when with a musician! gaah.


Anyways, sorry for the long thing. I am now listening to Blind Melon. Always reminds me of my 'roots'.

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