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I need help somebody please......

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hi iam writing this thread for help, i know i need help, i need hope too. I have just cut myself and well its not like all the other times.... that i dont really enjoy doing it but it helps. this time i really liked it and made 2 new razors to cut with now i just feel like i cant stop... i dont know why i hate my scars... and i hate the thought of other people will see but i just cant stop please help me. normally i only cut really badly when i use serepax but this time it didnt matter. i cut bad and deep anyway. i need help im scared il go to far... or hurt myself to badly and end up with too much blood or stiches or something... and today im like angry at the world which im normally not an angry person. but even today when i went to see my counseller that only person in this world i half trust.... i snapped at her hardcore and this isnt like me.... can anyone help?... i dont know whats going on and i cant stop cutting...

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I also dated a boy who used to cut himself like this too. He was clinically depressed. What I mean by this is there was a chemical imbalance in his brain that required mediciation to counteract this. Are you taking medication as well as seeing a counsellor? Perhaps you should tell the counsellor that counselling alone is not working. Anger is an expression of fear. So that is why you are angry.


Can you call the counsellor now? By the fact you have written this on this site, means you do know what you have done is wrong and you are taking steps to prevent you doing so again. Everytime, you feel like cutting, why not write a sentence here? Like post here - whatever you are feeling that makes you want to cut. PLEASE TRY AND NOT CUT YOURSELF anymore. You deserve better than this. You don't deserve to be cut. Lots of hugs. talks to your counsellor please!

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i know how u feel i have been there before. i would cut all the time because i just couldnt handle what was going on in my life...but what i did to help me stop is i started talking things out with my friends and controlled how many times i would cut in a given time...as i stopped cutting as much and it was only a few times i just quit. and like u i was so scared that one day i would do something that could really injury and hurt myself. also it was a pain to have to constantly keep covering up my scars so people wouldnt question where they came from. also what i did to help me stop is i threw away everything i was using to cut myself or if it was a razor, everytime i would think about cutting i would go do something else. and to help control my anger i got a punching bag. i hope this helps u and u know ur not alone...if u want to talk let me know...and trust me u can do this...hold on to hope.

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first of all... you CAN stop. i used to cut. try to do something else, other than cut. go for a walk, play with an animal, get a punching bag, get a job(if you are too young volonteer at the ASPCA). have you ever tried counceling? what were you thinking about when you cut and do you usually dwell on whatever made you upset? try to get your mind off of it.

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