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He has a small penis, and I feel like a jerk.

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... and the episode of the sex & the city where miranda fell in love with the small guy was just on tv...


and why was sex and the city so successful? because people can relate and empathise with the cast on the show and many women could understand what carry was going through when she found out, her boyfriend was tiny and the sex was going to be lousy like yourself n83.


It was a relationship breaker the guy was humilated and made out to be sexually inadequate. Men, with small penises llike myself are watching this and thinking i bet my girlfriends think that when they see my tiny willy and i've had that from experience.


What could be much worse than that. Every relationship you enter knowing that when you undress the women is going to be absolutely gutted about it and how you'd love to have a healthy sex life like any other man, but its been taken away.

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btw, its not so much about size generally its about society in general and how can you have relationships with people when so many of them are so self-centred and selfish. For the women, its comparable to say you being 30stone and men finding you repusive and totally unattractive as weight does matter. Very few men find fat women attactive, but at least fat women have HOPE which is so important; most of them can lose the weight.


There is no hope for men who are abnormally small and thats the underlining problem. Its fate its not even our fault and yet we have to suffer with it for life and the prejudices towards us. Sex and relationships are psychologically vital for happiness and atm i aint really interested in seeking them an d havent been since my last g/f five years ago, who blew me out saying sex was important to her and although she enjoys hte rest of the relationship she really needs good sex, which was fair enough.


Actually, i'm reasonably chilled about my 4incher and 1/12 faccid willy. I dont really worry about it as its beyond my control and thats what the other guys should take into account. Its not us which have the problem but society and the messed up world. I can actually laugh about it now and just look at how pathetic and dumb some people are , like those talking on G4 they sound so lame.


its honesty, but i couldn't attack a women adn call them sexually inadequate if they had some disfigurement of the vagina its all about being a decent person and have some morals. Treating other people like u'd like to be treated which many people have forgotten these days. its all me, me, me, culture.


aha lets see if we can hit 200post on this topic. Thats if i don't get banned in the mean time only reason im writing this bull(can i say bull without getting warning, sorry if ive offended anyone) as myabe i can educate a girl to at least be able to empathise with guy if they do date one who is very small; but it seems beyond some women who post on here.

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Carl -

I agree with you that there is an emphasis on size in popular culture and whatnot. But seriously, anyone that has a problem with your size is NOT someone you want to mess around with in the first place, because what happens when the REAL relationship problems occur? If a girl is getting all upset about the size of your penis, she's not worth a relationship...


So Carl I have a question for you ... what exactly is stopping you from pursuing a relationship? I know people without limbs, even ones with SEVERE deformities of their bodies that still have and pursue relationships ..

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n83, im not saying my opinion is the right one, but i tend to disagree. Sex is central to most relationships, especially intiallly and in the past they always went pear shaped once they became sexually.


its got to the point now, where i do actually feel sexually inadequate and feel at a great disadvantage. If i was seeking a relationship, i should be looking forward to sex with the girl, it should be a great motivation. But, i just dread it and its a horrible outlook. Its all about anticipation, its just very hard to date.


Like about three weeks ago, me and few friends went back to a few female students flat after a club. I'm chatting to one girl and she was one extravert and she just said at around 6am do u want to share a bed with me? or do u want to use the sofa. Now, im a complete immoralist when it comes to sex and would have loved to have slept with her. But, with a 41/2 inch penis and based on past experiences it would have been more pain than pleasure so i made my excuses and left. It just saps the lilfe out of you.


perhaps its pride, guilt i knew she was purely after sex and my size would have been a disappointment everyone likes a positive reaction, wasnt sure i'd get one. Suppose, its just embrassment, humilation, ridicule. its now turned into a fear and phobia when it comes to sex in all honesty. i just look at my penis and just cringe its not much longer than my little finger and i feel a little boy and exposed when nude. Its hard to expalin the emotions its like anxiety. I was quite naive when i was younger and dind't realise how small i was; i was soon made aware of it though.


everyone seeks pleasure and sex causes more pain than pleasure psychologically. I was at my unhappiness at times when i was sexually active had some real bad experiences, gossiping and stuff. Like in college i was getting it on with a girl and she put her hands down my pants, looked at my funny and rolled over and went to sleep(gutted)following day she told everyone i was as small as her 7year old brother. Had groups of ppl laughing at me; nicknamed 'no * * * *' some friends lost respect for me and saw me as a joke. Atm, im not happy being single, but im more contented and don't want to go through all that emotional heartache again.


Only had one decent experience and even that ended in her finishing with me due to not being able to 'feel anythign during intercourse' i really liked the girl and it took me months to overcome it; she did make an effort aswell just didn't happen.


So that kind of sums up why i wont seek a relationship. Im sure some women would be ok about it, but they r a minority. its the gossiping thats hard aswell, you sleep with one girl next thing everyone knows your tiny doesnt do much for your pride, self esteem.


its a fine line, if i was around 6inches or even say large my life would be great and totally different amazing really. I'd be sexuallly confident and i'd live life to the maximum and love it atm my quite timid around women. Atm, im so restricted its unbelieveable, i'd love to have one night stands but my only hope is a long term relationship. but the woman i've meet in recent years just seen me as a sex object.


sorry for the long post; hard for my illiterature skills to explain just feels like missed out on so much and its beyond my control and im going to continue to miss out. Oh well, the world aint forgiving adn you have to deal with unfortunate circumstances the best you can.

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Sex is central to most relationships


Ohhh ya hun I definitely agree with that..


Suppose, its just embrassment, humilation, ridicule. its now turned into a fear and phobia when it comes to sex in all honesty


Have you tried therapy? Sorry I can't remember if you had mentioned it in one of your earlier posts..

Or else what about trying other things.. for example with that girl you were talking about, you didn't necessarily have to have intercourse but you could have fooled around other ways.. but I guess I see where you're coming from, she could have tried to grope you or something..


Damn it sounds like you have had horrible experiences b/c of this Have you talked to doctor about it??


P.S. thanks for discussing this with us, I hope you find it at least somewhat helpful to talk about it

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Hey Carl,

Wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading about your experiences. They are honest, and I don't sense bitterness really, only some sadness.


It's understandable. Geez, being a woman the equivalent I come up with that would feel like this is a man saying "you are too loose". That thought is devastating, to be rejected based on genitalia. I'm sure, too, that there are more than one woman in this world who worries about this to a degree when considering children, or afterwards, or after having an (let's say indulgent) sexual past, or even after having been subjected to rape.

Imagine being raped and later being rejected bc of it: it does happen.

Yes, some men would reject based on this. And some men would be cruel enough to make comments and mock.


You are right that a man's penis is important. To him, to his lover. It's a source of power and fertility, a part of his identity. It's also symbolic.

Again, I could bring this back to women and the equivalent, but it really isn't exactly the same thing. A penis is special.


It's interesting to note that in certain areas of the world, and certain wars, soldiers have cut off a man or boys penis in such a way that the man/boy would live. It's an act of war, a form of torture and is devastating not just physically but pyschologically, as you mentioned.


In your case, you have a functioning penis. Yes, your plight is genuine. However, you can have children. You can have sex.

You are a man and a fully functioning one at that. Add to that, you seem to have developed a keen sense of emotion and sensitivity that quite a few men are lacking. ;-)


You've had some awful experiences - but y'know, a college girl is often not the kindest creature to begin with! (that girl was a b-i-t-).


I get the vibe that maybe the whole 'immoralist when it comes to sexuality' thing may be a part of your frustrations....i mean, don't expect sensitivity from someone looking for some drinks and a bang. Just saying...!


anyhoo, I wish you the best of luck in everything.

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Happens every day.


"She's too tight, and I can't get in." Etc.


The thing about vaginas is that they stretch over time to accommodate. Also note that a lot of men discuss how "tight" a vagina is as opposed to a difficult-to-please loose one. I guess this would be a great gauge of looking at things from the opposite sex window; while many guys may think about this, I only care about the girl herself and am only out to please her anyway no matter what her vagina is like.


Of course, I do prefer that its clean, but thats an easily rectified situation.

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Sorry im back thanks for the nice replies and comments even though i wasn't after any sympathy just trying to clear up a few things. But once again cheers i appreciate it.


As the amply hung guy said, he can do wonderful things to a woman with his hands and tongue. What you get with being well-hung the majority of time is confidence, experience and generally it goes beyond just being larger. Most bigger men will have had more sex and learnt better techniques to satisfy their partner-well im talking a reasonable size so that alot of women won't turn u down like myself.


Like i've probably only had sex around 50-100 times yet most men around my age your probably looking at 1000's who is going to better in the bedroom? they should be. The old saying practise makes perfect, plus the advantage of a much larger penis(the majority).


Having a tiny penis your screwed on many levels. But, so is the really ugly guy or girl or a man who is 4ft 5in tall or the obese women the one thing you don't want is something that is abnormal and at the extreme side of average that society see's as being beneficial or valued by people. Hard to deal with things that are of high value to other people and urself and are unchangable. Most problems have a solution, mine certainly doesn't just a case of taking rejections on the chin.


I think this penis size stuff is a real problem though and woman have to be to blame(sorry) well maybe genetics not really woman's fault they need a reasonably size one to get off. But, i cant see me having any children so maybe the small penis gene will be slowly disappear and all men will be large enough to satisfy women at some point. Still, evolution isn't an over night phenomena. Depends if it affects other men, it seems to after this threat//crikey it has too.


Anyone see that scientific study where it showed generally bigger men have more sex than the small men? it was like a graph. 7"plus say sex 200times a year, 5" say 50 and it went down from 8" to less and less amazing reallly with a few morements whcih is understandable- *lol* good job they never asked me. Talk about fate having a large slice in your future happiness and relationships. More sex, more pregnancies u'd expect on the whole.


im out, i'm going to look to post on other topics now. Got it off my chest and now im just repeating myself you can only talk about willly size for so long. Cheers and laters people.

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I am experimenting a bit more. Last night we set out to do oral only, no penile penetration. My gf was away on biz for 4 days. So she was quite ready and excited and had done me first. She had two orgasms and said she was as satisfied as with penile penetration and was asleep within minutes.


It was our first time to set out to do oral only.


The morale of the tale. Attitude, experience and know-how matter. Size does not, a tongue is enough.


Attitude can be realised.


Know-how can be learned.


Experience can be gained.


By everyone.

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Interesting question.


My gf is on another computer next to me I asked her and she would have no problem and be happy with quality oral only.


As to me, I am learning to really enjoy oral and my oral orgasms are already better than my orgasms during intercourse. I guess this is due to the fact that I really enjoy myself and relax. I am getting closer to be multi-orgasmic with oral, and without stimulating the prostate.


Lets say for example I would suffer penile amputation, it would be no major issue for her and I could learn to have orgasms via the prostate.


Our bodies are fascinating, there is so much that can be done as long as we want.


When there is a will there is a way.

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well, they say the clitoris is has many more nerve endings and is the best way to bring a woman to orgasm than through penetrative sex and yet women seem very interested in penis size and also i've read many women have lots of nerve endings in the first 2inches of the vagina and thereforeeee anything over 2inches should be able to satisfy them.


Yet, i've been rejected so many times over my penis size. I honestly believe as sex is in the women's mind and because of all the hype over penis size that they believe a small penis won't satisfy them before u even start adn if the man is small, his size is easily blamed. Plus, many women aren't visually turned on by a man with a small penis and that can effect their enjoyment and orgasms.


Like, i was really attractived to a certain girl and could get erections really fast and had really strong orgasms with her as she really turned me on mentally, other women the sex wasn't as great as i wasn't attractived to them at the same level.

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What we need is intimacy and satisfaction, just like nature evolved us. But we go mostly for excitement and instant gratification.


People are driven by fashion. People listen to dumb talk. We have a lot of potential. most of which we waste by our own fears and short sightedness. One got much to learn. Me too.


We do not know enough about our sexual functionality because we learn mostly in the closet. The good thing is that times change slowly with help of the internet.


Most people (myself included) do not know how to have great orgasms. Unintentionally, I understand woman's orgasms better than my own At last, I am learning about myself after being inspired by a conversation with RayKay on this site.


Its almost all in the mind. My better orgasms are in my mind. I got a women to a good orgasm only from breast-stimulation, it's her mind. I once experienced a woman having a great orgasm while going down on me and without me touching her, well that really was in her mind.


It is not always easy to learn but we should do our best beginning with building ourself up and by being patient and persistent and respecting and caring with ourselves and others.

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It is not always easy to learn but we should do our best beginning with building ourself up and by being patient and persistent and respecting and caring with ourselves and others.


This is true nottoogreen ... but easier said than done for many (myself included)

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