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A question....please help.

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I am friends with this guy he knows very well I am crushing on him.

I was so bored at work on Monday so I thought I would make up a list of qualities I am looking for in a person.So I did.

I shared it with him,he then said something to the effect of him being able to fit what I am looking for.he pretty much said I could fit this. Now do you think he likes me by saying this or what?

Please tell my your opinion.Thanks

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Hmm. I'm not sure really. How did he say it to you? Was he looking into your eyes? Can you feel some sort of an attraction there? It's hard to tell. How does he know you have a crush on him? Did you say or do something to tell him? Have you guys gone out on a casual date together? Maybe just going bowling or the movies? Nothing like a real date....just hanging out?

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Goldfish6888 we do see each other almost everyday and hang out go out to eat ,movies ect...

I told him I like him that I a crush on him.

I think there is some attraction there def. on my part.

he was reading what I wrote and said he could fit it(the qualities I want).

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I don't think there is a real direct answer than can be taken from what you have given us so far.


He said that he fits in with your description of a "perfect partner"... this can be taken one of two ways:


1) He was just flirting with you with no 'real' meaning in it whatsoever

2) He was being serious about his feelings with you...


The only way to really tell the difference between these is to look at the body language he was using at the time... was he joking around? maybe laughing... was he acting serious at the time? What was he doing?




why don't you approach the situation with him, and ask him out on a date sometime?

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He was serious not laughing at all.


He already asked me to the movies on friday night (last minute) out of the blue.He said "I was wondering if you want to go to the movies with me tonight and for a few drinks afterward?" but I had plans already are supposed to go some other time this week.I am still wondering If he just asked me as friends or if there is more hidden below the surface...hmmm.What do you think?

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I was thinking there must be something there but I was confused,maybe he is just giving subble hints of his feelings.

he already knows how I feel.


I am actually in love with him but would not tell him that.


Thanks for all of your opinions,it was very much appreciated.

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