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I think this is gone out of porpotion now

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Down Below are some emails sent by my Ex Girlfriend.

I think it's out of control and she has gotten really mean.


Email 1

i cant beilive this is coming from u.

1) u dumped me for another woman

2)my love life is none of ur busines

3)all ur promises' to me were broken, so i dont have to uphold broken contracts

4)all my tears were cried the 1st time u broke up with me, the 2nd time it felt unreal, like i was just told i lost a battle that i thought was long won

5) up to and after the breakup u treated me like utter trash, i barely knew u anymore u made it a lot easier to get over u by turning urslef into a monster

6) the most important thing to me about a guy is his personality, looks dont matter. ur personality has turned black in my eyes...for what u've done to me and how u treat/treated me, the thought of being with u now discusts me.

7) if it was the u i thought u were, i would never get over it. but apartently, u either tricked me to who u really were, or u turned for the worst in the past few monthes.


i feel like u used me and dropped me, whatever u say, im the victim here. if u really cared who i was with u would still b with me, r u trying to get as many girls as possible to fall for u then pick the "best"? and how dare u speak of me and Jesse when u were chassing that Mel girl while we were still together. obviously u had no need to get over me.

if u dotn want to b my friend, and r going to keep harassing me then please, just never talk to me again. im not asking for this drama. im not in love with u anymore. i still care about u as a friend, like any of my other friends, but im tired of this, i dont belong to u in any way, i dont owe u anything.

whatever. ur choice, dotn wana b my friend, dont stick around. Goodbye.



Email 2

i've forgiven you, heh u should know that silly, remember i said i've already forgiven you b4 u ask. i want to trust you. i want to b friends with you becuase of how close we were once. trust is something i realized a person has mostly no contol over, even if they try, if they have been hurt, there is always that fear in there heart it will happen again. maybe first loves r so special becuase they have no fear, and there trust is complete. i've never felt any thing as real as what we were, and it all came crashing down around me. how am i sapossed to know whats real now? can i believe anyone who tells me they love me? Even though i agree its best we don't get back together. i would like to b friends, i don't you if you want to though... it seems every time after our break up that i tried to be ur friend u would get me upset bringing up things i just wanted to forget. it made me relive the pain many times over..and made me miss someone at my side even more. maybe u can undrstand y i gave myself to someone who i barely knew but tried their hardest to wipe away my tears. i wasn't trying to b mean when i started going out with Jesse, i was lonely, and then i just fell in love. i wasn't trying to hurt you.

i miss u sometimes, as a friend, but im unsure wether we can b friends. i guess i will give u one more chance... but if it doesn't work out please don't blame me becuase i tried - Victoria



Email 3

o rite..i forgot to unblock u from myspace. im not sure tho. i'd b willign to give it another try at friendship, but i can tell ur still upset, maybe u need soem more time still to stop feeling resentment, and also i noticed ur still talking about the past, i dont want to think about it. yes its true Jesse an me are together all the time, but if u were really truly ready to let the past go, im sure u wouldnt care about the time i spend with him, and if u cared for me as a friend u'd b happy for me. im not sure on these things. its not worth being friends with soemone who makes u feel bad every time u around them. i dont know if thats what talking with u would b like, but seeing ur anger in the last email shows me it might b true. i at least know more time needs to separate the past from u before we can b friends.



Email 4

*sigh* theres no lies. im just not telling u the personal things in my life.

I would have remembered the good times. but the breakup and aftermath was so tramatic for me i went into shock, and my brain tried its best to block it all out. since none of my family members, or anyone else i've ever known, made me suffer like u made me suffer, i wouldnt forget them. I'm only protecting myself. I have a right to do that. You can think about the past all u want but don't talk to me about it. I don't want to think about it, it hurts my mind. I've been cutt too deep and its better not to think about it.

ive got nothing more to say rite now.



Email 5

*sigh* i havent changed its just hard to show compassion to someone who hurt me so much. u havent "made up" for the hurt u did to me, by harassing me.

everyone else thinks i'm very mature thank you. im not going to bother to answer all ur arguments becuase i dont take u seriously anymore. there was always a problem, and it was always blamed on me. ur just full of problems. ive realized other people are not like that, and more importantly love is not like that. i did like u, i did love you. if you could not see that then u truly know nothing at all about what love is. u loved me with two kinds of love, infatuation, and conditional. i loved u with just one, unconditional love.

if u dont know how to love unconditionaly, which u dont, none of ur relationships will work. becuase u will end them somehow, whether directly or indirectly.


i dont consider us friends right now. and if u read my last email i said i dont think ur mature enough to have even a friendship with me. please learn how to deal with people before we continue talking.


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I wasn't with any other girl. She was lieing and saying

stuff. I did however like this girl and I wanted to get her

after we did after the break up. I was also attracted to

her before the break up but not as much compared to my

ex. She claims we broke up twice, but I kinda lied to her

about taking a break.

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So you did lie.. about the break.


Honestly, it's over. Stop emailing her. Stop reading her emails. She has gotten mean, but even though we don't see what you wrote her, I don't believe that you haven't been equally as mean.


There's no point in blaming each other for the break up.

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