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Can I cure this?

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yea really...who's really happy? i mean there are some...but for real- their happiness will fade, and probably does more often than we think.

i know exactly how ya feel... just take it day by day. thats what i have to do. day by boring miserable hurtful lonesome ridiculous day

i hope things brighten up for you.

im sorry!

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Are you using these forums to discuss the other problems in your life which are causing you to feel down? It might help to get it out, and everyone here is happy to listen.


Some people who you might've told in real life may not know how to react to people asking them for support, and might as a result choose to back away instead of having to confront it, which is unfortunate. Maybe not, how do I know.


And you make perfect sense

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You deserve better than people turning their back to you, and I really hope that they realise what they are missing out on. Me myself had a lot of friends before I moved to a new city, but now ½ year later or 1½ the contact isn't that big and I often have to text them if I want to hang out eg. I'm putting an effort into something, which I shouldn't as long as they don't pay attention to me and ask me to do social stuff. but sadly i'm dumb and not happy about it, but doesn't change it. The best change is to forget about those who doesn't treat you well and just to move on and meet new people. Dno how to tell you to be happy, perhaps your story made you see, that people can be dumb like me, lol

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What's my definition of ''Happy''?

It doesn't necessarily have to mean, jumping up and down of pure joy, having everything in your life being perfect ('cos that is impossible).

But I must say, that's a very hard question to answer, without giving it some thought.


Lilu's definition of H-A-P-P-Y:


1) Waking up to a rainy/sunny morning, knowing that the day might bring some ups, and downs. But you don't really mind, because you know well that whatever the day brings, you still have people that love you dearly. Or, you have people, not necessarily a family member, that you can go to, to spit your guts out, and cry.


2) Being in a relationship with someone who can adjust to your inperfections, and visa versa. Someone who you can come home to, and know that he/she willl numb you from head to toe with calmness, hope, and a fill you with love.


3)I WILL have to come back for the third one in a few minutes.

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All of the sudden, I see no hope. What's the point, I ask myself.


There's always a point. Even when it seems like there isn't. I'm a religious guy, so I believe in the afterlife (at least nomially), and this phrase helps me through some tough times:


"If there is an afterlife, we'll all get together and swap stories. If there's not, you'll be remembered for what you did in life. If you Give Up, You won't be talked about, and you won't have anything to talk about."

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