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drinking? ...

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ok uhm well heres the thing, im kinda a shy guy and i dont go out that much and to those of u that read my last post know that im trying to get off my computer games. Im 16, most of my friends do pot and drink but i see smoking as really bad for my health cause im a swimmer, and im scared to try drinking because my father is currently an alcoholic and my mother is an ex-alcoholic so im kinda scared, father, drunken trama, ect. so heres my question, should i try drinking and say screw my dad i control my life not him? or should i not drink and be basically unsocial, because i tend to keep all my thoughts to myself. please answer, any personal experiences ... anything please

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Since both of your parents can't control their alcohol consumption, and alcoholism has a hereditary component, I would advise you to avoid alcohol. However it is still possible that you would be able to have a drink or two and leave it at that with out needing to drink more and more. It's impossible to know without your trying it. You're only 16 and depending on where you live it may be illegal for you to drink anyway, which may answer your question.

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You know, you can go to parties and not drink. I know it high school it has a lot of appeal and everything, but believe me, alcohol is not this "AMAZING THING" that everyone makes it out to be. God, you would think it was just invented yesterday with how the under 21 population goes on about drinking. I mean really.


Plus, you are only 16 if you get an underage... you could have your Cinderella license until you are 21. That would suck majorly.

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I think a Cinderella license is basically just another name for a " hardship license". The kind where they restrict you to only driving to work or school , after having received too many infractions or various charges of DUI, etc. I am not sure if every state has that or not.


As far as the drinking , I would not even start trying it if I were you. The history of alcoholism in your family is enough to say to youself " don't drink". You have seen the consequences of drinking already in your parents drinking problems.

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If you want to drink and still have fun, you may but only one drink. There is a difference between occasionally drinking to chill and just drinking till the point of getting wasted and hide your problems.

But I think you should avoid drinking, if they catch you, then you can get in trouble due to the fact you're a minor. Plus, you don't want to repeat your parents' patterns, you can do better than that.

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I agree with Ailec. Try drinking A LITTLE. Don't try to keep up with your idiot friends. And enjoy the drink itself. Be classy. Dont just binge on whatever cheap swill everyone else is downing. The attitude with which you take alcohol is a major factor.


A related piece of advice: About your signature, dont ever say something like that to anyone. Get over the past. Become greater than that, and drop that crap. You know what I mean.

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I trust you can have fun without drinking anything? Then don't drink. If people are giving your hard time because you don't drink, and you can't stand it, take a drink in your hand but don't touch it. Spill some of it to floor.. or your shirt, toilet or something. And then enjoy your time sober when everyone else are doing incredibly stupid things because of the booze.

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I trust you can have fun without drinking anything? Then don't drink. If people are giving your hard time because you don't drink, and you can't stand it, take a drink in your hand but don't touch it. Spill some of it to floor.. or your shirt, toilet or something. And then enjoy your time sober when everyone else are doing incredibly stupid things because of the booze.


this is hilarious...because I used to do this. I did this for my entire first year living on residence at university because I HATED how I felt when I drank, yet I couldn't handle the peer pressure at the time. I must have spilled booze everywhere.... and tried to discretely go to washroom with my drink a gazillion times. No one ever figured it out, and I've even been told I'm SO MUCH FUN when I'm drunk. YEAH OKAY. lol. I don't do this much anymore, made a good group of friends who don't care if I drink or not... but I do occasionally pull this stunt in new and awkward situations. Believe me, it works.

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Another thing you can do is fill your cup with Coke or something, and drink that instead. A lot of times at parties, they'll have sodas or juice that people can mix with the alcohol (at the parties I've been to, anyway). People will just assume you're drinking alcohol, when really you're not.. plus people won't keep asking you if you want a drink. And make sure you hold your drink the whole time, don't leave it out where people can add stuff to it.


Also, if these people are your real friends, they won't care if you drink or not. They'll be cool with whatever you do.


For me, 99% of the time, being the only sober person in a group of drunk people is NOT fun. Unless I'm taking pictures or something. So I don't limit myself to having just one group of friends... options are good.


A Cinderella license only applies if he's in the US. It's when you first get your drivers license and you aren't allowed to drive after 11 pm. You have them for a different length of time depending what state you are in.

Not all states have this... I know mine doesn't.

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For me, 99% of the time, being the only sober person in a group of drunk people is NOT fun. Unless I'm taking pictures or something. So I don't limit myself to having just one group of friends... options are good.



I find that if the people drunk are my friends, I have fun 100% of the time with them.. of course it depends on who you're friends with..

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I think its ok to have a drink now and again to socialise, but you could if your so worried about drinking try socialising without alcohol. if the people you are with are friends then you should have a laugh sobber. or you could just sit back and watch everyone else make a fool out of them selfs because their so out of it. I think its good that you aint gettin caught up in he whole smoking thing cuz it really aint good especially if your doing your whole swimming thing.


I reakon you should try it. you probably willnt want to do it again or that often anywayz.

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I find that if the people drunk are my friends, I have fun 100% of the time with them.. of course it depends on who you're friends with..

Well, it's just that my drunk friends will find incredibly stupid things to be hilarious, whereas I don't. It's fun hanging out with them for maybe an hour or two, but after that it's just... not fun anymore.

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Hey man, I know what your are talking about. In high school it seems like the thing to do with drinking and smoking. I was a runner in highschool and one in college now. I devoted myself to running along with 2-3 other really close friends. We ran cross country and track and that's what is really meaningful. I didn't start drinking until i was 19 and when i did/do i son't drink much at all. Keep up the good work with swimming and stick with it. I was also on the swim team my freshman year at college and those are the memories that will last. Keep up the good work and take care!

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