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Is a nightmare coming true...

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This is only my second thread, but now I really need some advice!


If you read my last post ( ) I mentioned how I am currently with a guy and having his child. But there was a man I like before and he came up between my stepdad and I in casual conversation.


Now my problem in the last post was that I would have to drive by spots where I know I could see him and I didn't know how I would handle that. Well now the story has changed. My mom changed her mind on that apartment and we've been looking for another. Which btw is hard to find when you have a newborn coming because everyone keeps saying they are not lead free. My mom called a couple places today and they all said the same thing...except for one. The one that didn't say that is in the same city as the guy I liked. I saw the paper where she wrote down the info on it and it seems nice, but I looked it up on mapquest and I was horrified. It's practically next door to the guy I like. I know I'm prolly over-reacting because what are the chances we get that house, we haven't been very lucky, but considering the circumstances, I am very unlucky and it would be just my luck to end up with that house. And who knows maybe he moved...but that's doubtful.


Anyways, the problem is I don't know what to do. I can't say Hey Mom we can't move here because my old crush lives next door, especially if it is like the ONLY place we can find. Plus besides the fact that I was fearing a possiblity of cheating on my boyfriend, who I have vowed not to do that to and thereforeeee have kept myself away, I'm REALLY sure he wouldn't like me living that close to him either. AND my step dad still stops by his work to talk to him, so if he's living that close I'm sure he'll invite him over and stuff, and that will drive me insane because he knew how much I liked him and he knows how much stress and tension that will cause.


So, my boyfriend and I are looking to be moving into an apartment together as soon as we can, but for now I'm stuck where I am at my parents house. If anyone has ANY sort of advice I would appreciate it.

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Yeah this is quite demonical, i have no doubt whatsoever that due by these circumstances you will meet that guy you wanted to avoid so desperatly. Since Murphy's law is the work of the devil, be prepared to meet him. So in any case just stay nice, but rather distant once you do. And hey why not say to your mom ' we can't live there because that ex of mine lives there' , you could try right? Im not sure what bad karma lies above you, but try to avoid it in a decent way and escape to your bf's place asap.

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We looked at the apartment today and my mom is REALLY excited about it, it's small but it's nice. The landlord was talking to us and said the neighbor was an older single guy, a line cook somewhere. I almost died right there on the spot. It's so unlikely that it is who I think it could be, but he was an older single guy living alone, and he was definatley a line cook. I know I'm definitely not over-reacting anymore. I saw my boyfriend today and I felt all weird because I really don't know if I should say anything. Because if I say anything it could become a bigger problem than it should be.


BTW it really stinks that I only got one response to this...because either that means my situation is completely hopeless, no one cares, or NO one knows what they would do if they were in my shoes! Honestly I don't blame anyone, but come on wouldn't you like ANY advice you could get if you were in my situation?

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Ok, I'm not actually sure what to tell you because the problem is so complicated. Look at it this way, if you really love the man you are with now, you might just have to exercise self-control for the sake of your unborn child's health. Do your best to stay away from the other guy regardless if you move there, but if it's so bad that you might cheat if you are around him, then maybe you should reevaluate your current relationship.

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I don't know if I would cheat being around him, I would like to think I have that much self control. But even when I was going out with my boyfriend and seeing this other man at work all the time we would still constantly flirt. And even if the flirting means nothing or leads to nothing I still feel that it's wrong to do. And I'm almost sure that I would end up flirting because I can't help it. And I know my situation isn't exactly the easiest to understand, but thanks for the reply.


So is it wrong to think that I shouldn't be flirting with this man, that it's wrong and will end up causing relationship problems?

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