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i hate my bf's best fren who was my petbro!!

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i met my bf(mike) thro my best fren's bf(reubern). me, my best fren & reubern were x-classmates B4 REUBEN MET MIKE in a DIFFERENT SKOOL. ok..blablah,,

rite, mike and reubern r BEST FRENS NOW. i hope u get it!

i know reubern more than mike knws him, eventho they're best frens 1st. reubern n i were frens n slowly he bcame my petbro. but now when i hv mike, reubern's being mean 2 me!! he talks bad stuff about me to mike and showed mike my pic when i was 10 (yuck dat chuby pic)...my appearance now compared to last time when i was reubern's fren was SOO MUCH BETTER. reubern tlld me that im very pretty now, and last time he always wanted 2 vomit once he sees me. i hate reubern now!! he even tried 2 breakup me n mike few days ago! thnk God mike's aware of that.

now the prob is, i realli HATE reubern,..but mike LOVES him as a bestfren.. but i dnt want mike 2 mix wiv reubern again bcoz reubern keeps telling bad stuff n FAKE stuff about me, bcoz i know he likes me bcoz he has madee my best fren mad of him bcuz he tld her im pretty n he likes me... (ps: reubern is a playboi)... another ting is, tat i dnt wan him 2 influence mike!!!!!!! mike is the TOTAL opposite of reubern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz i nd advice if i should tell mike openly that he should stay away frm reubern, or WAT!!???? thx.!!!!.. private msg me or ask me if u want me 2 clear it out more 4 u!!! mwackz

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First of all I would like to say that I really like your Quote.


As for Mike it sounds like he is not taking what Reuben says about you to heart. If you are still bothered by it I would tell Mike what you think, but I would he him not to be friends with Reuben cuz I think that would be asking to much. Just don't hang out with mike when he is around reuben . Mike should under stand why you don't want to be around him.




Good Luck

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