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I've had a "thing" with this guy for nearly a year now, but he had to leave for 6mths and it was bad timing for both of us. Now he's back, and we went out on a few dates. He's been the one doing the chasing the whole time. I'm confused- he's really sweet on the date and mentions a lot of "couple" stuff, how we'll do this & that next time and asks a lot abt me. But then he'll just randomly say "oh this girl liked me over there, cooked for me and everything, but I didn't like her" or "I had so many girls go for me overseas but didn't like them". He also said he always wanted what he couldn't have but then the other night, when I went to see him I mentioned this guy friend I had and all of a sudden, he said he liked forward girls? I don't know if he says these things to get at me, or make me want him more or just to confuse me or let me know he's not completely interested? Anyway, that night ended really badly but he said sorry the next day.


I talked to him on Sunday, we left things on a really good note and he was being sweet but it's now been a wk and I haven't heard from him. We don't normally talk on the phone, usually texting or MSN. What's up with this? He only got back last wk so I guess he could be busy with catching up with ppl but still ...is he interested or just stringing me along? Is he getting frustrated that it's nearly been a year of chasing and we're still not anything? But then again, why isn't he contacting me consistently? Or is 1 wk nothing to worry about? I'm just so confused! In terms of personality, he's a pretty confident guy but can have some pride issues (ie. competitive/ego)

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